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Please answer this...?

If a man and woman live together (married or otherwise) have a few kids, he works full time but she is a stay at home mum BUT also works one or two days a week (sometimes 10 hour days) AND studies 2 days/nights a week also, do you think the man/father should help with housework and childcare when hes home? Or do you think it should be all up to the woman/mother to do it all? Keep in mind that even though she's a sahm most of the time, she also has a part time job and studies as well....

What are your thoughts??

I personally think that if one parent stays home, weather it's the mother or father, then that person should be responsible for the majority of the housework and childcare, since they're home all day anyway, but as for the person who works full time, when they are home (weekends, days off etc) they should help out as well. When the sahp works part time then the other parent should stay home and watch the children and do some housework.

What do YOU think??


Sorry, I do know basic English, Weather was a small mistake. We all make them don't we. No need to be rude!

Update 2:

Dayna Love...

Why do you think the housework should be just for the woman? Is it because she stays home or is it because she's a woman and it's a woman's job to do it, whether she works or not??? Do you think men should just sit around on their days off and not even help a little?

10 Answers

  • Alyssa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you; the person that stays at home should do the majority of the work, but it wouldn't hurt if the other person helped out from time to time either.

  • 1 decade ago

    This full time position, is it only 40 hours a week? Because even 40 hours a week is barely enough to call full time. Even if the wife had no job, had no schooling, but had a few (3) kids, that equals more than 8 hours of work per day. Just that 8 hours is not in a simple 8 hour block. Hers is 2 hours here, 3 hours there 30 minutes here, 10 minutes there. ALL DAY LONG. The husband should help in that scenario like that then in your scenario he would be a lazy bum if he didn't at least give 45 minutes of casual help per day. The "Me Tarzan you Jane" mentality may be the focus here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it matters who works what hours and who stays home. I think a couple should always be willing to help each other and take care of the family as best they can. So if you got all the laundry done except for that one last load and now you have to leave to go to school, hubby should be willing to finish up for you. When everyone helps and pitches in, it gives both people time to have together and with the kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think two grown adults live there and that two of them should care for each other, the children and where they live.

    Being a SAHM (or Dad) doesn't make you automatically "priviledged" to work 24/7.

    When my husband was a SAHD, I helped out with things. Children are exhausting and housework and yardwork are relentless.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    iff they stay at home all the time and are not too busy w. the studies they should do the majority of the work but when the spouse comes home they can help around to .. thats just being nice/showing respect

    .. she isnt the maid after all but your wife

  • 1 decade ago

    huni children is a full time job in itself! Enough said! so yes they both need to do it even! maybe housework should be a bit more on the woman....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think she needs to study more!

    He definitely needs to help her!!!

    Especially with basic English.

    It's whether, not weather.

    Weather is the thing that the people on TV lie about.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think everyone in the household should share the resposibilities whether they have a job or not.

  • life is not like u have to do this or u have to do that !! ur a couple ! not kids cleaning ur parents house or so on , so on !! u can talk together and figure this out !! for me it sounds like my lil bro. fighting who's turn to do this and that @ my parents house!!

    GROW UP GUYS !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    If that is what you think ,then why are you asking use!

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