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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 decade ago

How to make a Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Function?

I need to create a function for if column d equals certain name the whole row will be copied to sheet 2. When doing this I want to keep original in sheet one and be able to edit copy in sheet two without change to original.

2 Answers

  • Amit
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    if you want to make your own function then you have to write a macro (but it a sub not function. that meance it will persorm some task and not return any value)

    copy below code in VBA editor

    Sub Check_and_copy()

    For i = 1 To Sheet1.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row

    If Sheet1.Cells(i, 1) = "Some Name" Then


    Rows(i & ":" & i).Select




    ActiveCell.Offset(1, ActiveCell.Column * -1 + 1).Select


    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    End If


    MsgBox "Done"


    End Sub

    and run

    but I suggest to use VLOOKUP Function to achieve your goal. To learn more about Vlookup visit:

  • 5 years ago

    you need to save file as and then choose word 97-2003 to save in .doc format.

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