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HELP! My 21 month old keeps climbing out of his crib ever since we moved our 6 month old in the room!?

Our 21 month old used to fall asleep wonderfully each and every night between 7-8 PM! But last Sunday, this quickly stopped. For about a month, we had been transitioning our sons room into a room he would soon share with his younger brother, so our toddler could get used to each change. One week we moved around the furniture, the following week we put up the crib, the next week we put the bedding in, and the following week we were ready to put his brother in! He and his brother slept in the room together for about 2 nights - taking afternoon naps included, with no real trouble. But on Sunday, he refused to go to sleep. We thought it was from a sugary, caffeinated drink our 12 year old daughter gave him a few sips of, so he was up until about 12:45 - SO UNUSUAL! And since then, he has been crawling out of his crib EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! My husband and I are at the end of our ropes. We have tried all of the techniques and nothing is helping! When my son learned to get out his crib, we would sit guard outside his room until he learned to stay put (took about 3 days). But now, even sitting in the room, he will call our names to look at him as he hangs a leg out or crawls out. We have tried the supernanny way of dealing with him, but he claps when we come into the room and is right back out before we even leave the room. I have tried to take away his bottle and nuk and he just claps happily. We have tried the stern tone and tapping his butt to lay down to no avail either. I seriously may lose my mind. I am a stay-at-home mom and love every second of it, but I have no down time. Neither does my husband. We are at eachothers throats every night as well because we're so stressed. Does anyone have any suggestions?

NOTE: right before this started my mother-in-law wanted him to spend the night at her house...that didn't go over very well because he screamed and cried for me and my husband, until she brought him home at midnight. It's almost like since then, he's been out of sorts. The last time he stayed there - when I was having the baby, he also came back home out of sorts and needed like a week to realize we weren't leaving him and finally settled down. :( This guy is exhausted and so are we!


To answer a few questions...we call his drink cup a bottle, it's just a sippy with warm water that he likes to hold onto while he sleeps. Although quite recently, he's not drinking it and throwing it to the floor.

The Supernanny technique we have tried for about 3-4 days and we haven't seen any change to the behavior. If anything, it's gotten worse. I'm more worried that the baby being in the room has caused this, because they need to share a room.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You do have a long road ahead of you with this little guy. I suggest getting him into a toddler bed. Once my kids climbed out their crib it immediately turned into a toddler bed. After that was when things went down hill. Out they came. Time and time and time ... again we put them back in the bed. I went through nights of literally lying in the bed until my kids were asleep.

    My now 3 year old is still going through a stage of not wanting to go on to sleep. She was recently put in daycare and they take 2 hour naps EVERY day. Her bedtime is still 8:00, which is really hard on her, but she uses every excuse not to go to sleep. More water, feed me my water, sing songs, sing to Bubba (her brother) and again, on and on.

    Be consistent. My son started sleeping through and staying in bed at 4. It was a rough road with him as well.

    Don't allow him to stay away from home if you can help it. We had the same problem when I had my 2nd child. Our son was 2 and went out of sorts. He never really got back straight until I mentioned he started sleeping through at 4. It was just a terrible time with him getting out of bed, sneaking into the hall and playing to get our attention. After quite a few spankings to get his attention he stopped getting up and would just call us. We let him fall out on his own, but had consistent bedtime at 8 pm.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My son climbed out at 18 months and fell head first onto the tile floor. I had to drive him to hospital while literally smacking him to keep him conscious! After that concussion he never slept in a cot again. You should take the side off the cot and put blankets/pillows/another mattress next to it. If he rolls out he won't get hurt and he won't need to climb out. Plus its still the same bed so it won't be too much of a transition. You could also change the door knob to one with a lock and put the lock on the outside. I did that for my now two year old when he refused to stay in his room at bedtime and it was relatively simple to install (and I am hopeless with tools!) Eventually I used the door as a bargaining tool. If you stay in your bed you can have the door open if you get out it gets closed for 30 seconds - 1 minute (depending how hysterical he got). Then it gets opened again and you get a second chance. TIP: Sticky tape the key to the new door to somewhere in your son's room that he can't reach. That way if he ever locks you in there you can escape. Trust me on this.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think its time for a toddler bed. You child is too old for a crib now and that is what he is showing you by climbing out. Transition him into a toddler bed and give it a few nights and he will love it. My daughter did the EXACT same thing and when we put her in a toddle bed the problems were over by night 3 :)

  • My first question is off subject.. but did you say he drinks from a bottle at 21 months? Wow. That is going to be rough when you take that away. You have to consistently put him back in over and over for as long as it takes for him to figure it out. You might also try a toddler bed. At almost 2, he might be ready for one. When you go in to his room after bedtime, do not look him in the eye and do not speak to him. Pick him up an put him straight back to bed. He will figure it out eventually but consistency is key. Inconsistency will ruin progress so be sure to stick to your guns.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You didn't WORK SUPPER NANNY"S way of doing it or it WOULD have worked. You KEEP putting him BACK in bed 100 times if necessary!! You can't just do it a couple times and GIVE up! You're gonna HAVE to let him KNOW YOU"RE ANGRY at his behavior as well! You need to put him in a REAL bed and NOT a crib! he could get hurt climbing out! I've NEVER heard of anyone trying to FORCE their kid to STAY in a CRIB, like you've done! DO supper nanny's technique and DO IT RIGHT this time! It SHOULD only take a night or two of you putting him back in bed for it to work! Just WHAT did you think tapping him would do? If you're gonna spank him, then SPANK him, you don't tap him, how can he feel that through a diaper?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I didnt read past the first sentence because this is longer than i wish to read but if he is climbing out of his crib, you need to put him in a toddler bed because his crib is no llonger safe. And in respnse to some other answers, super nanny is not always right. One method does not work on every kid. Make him very excited about having his big boy bed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Story is too long for such a simple answer. If your 21 month old is climbing out of his crib then it's time for a toddler bed. End of story! I've seen 10 month olds in toddler beds...your son is plenty old enough for a toddler bed.

  • 1 decade ago

    let him sleep in your room don't force him to stay in his room with his newborn brother because that's wrong!!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is too long, sorry...

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