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How does one go about “just believing” in God?

Ok, so my girlfriend dumped me because I don’t BELIEVE. The definition of “believe” is to be persuaded of the truth or existence of, or the reliability of something. But how does one go about believing in something for which there is scant evidence?

(A) I know that people “feel” or “hear the voice of God” when they prey; But believers of other religions feel the exact same way when they are preying to other Gods – i.e. same experience, different God. This is strong evidence that believers are sharing a common psychological attribute of the mind and less evidence that millions of different believers are contacting millions of different supernatural beings. That same emotion can be elicited by electrically or chemically simulating specific portions of the brain.

(B) She says that her holy book, the Bible, proves the existence of her God. This is a circular argument and doesn’t work for me. Moreover, if her holy book proves her God, then hundreds of other holy books also must prove millions of other Gods. Marble comics must also prove the existence of Spiderman, right?

In addition, we have no idea who wrote the Gospels. What we do know is that they were written 40-100+ years after a supposed historic Jesus died, by Romans who weren’t familiar with the customs of the Jews or of the geography of the area where Jesus ministered. This would be like me writing about someone’s claim of alien abduction that happened fifty years ago in Chile, and the guy that was abducted and everyone he knew were now dead and all that I had to go on were oral tales from guys who liked to sit around the campfire at night telling tall tales. Why should I believe that the Gospels are true and accurate? If Jesus preformed so many amazing miracles, then why did no eyewitness write about them? According the Matthew, at the moment of Jesus’ death, zombies invaded Jerusalem.[1] Why did no one else write about this invasion? There must have been hundreds of thousands of eye witnesses in Jerusalem at the time (this was the Passover holiday, remember?); the Roman Empire would have taken a keen interest in a zombie invasion.

The Gospels are obviously tall tales designed to turn a historic person into a supernatural legend.

Belief is not something that one chooses. I can’t will myself to believe; belief is based on evidence. I could choose to go to church; I could choose to recite the Lord’s Prayer; I could choose to swear on a whole stack of Bibles that I believe. But none of this could actually make me believe if I in fact don’t have any convincing evidence. One can feign belief in God, but one can not will one’s self to believe. If I feigned belief, wouldn’t an omniscient God see right through this deception? Belief is based on one’s understanding of the world Am I really supposed to accept tell tales as facts and ignore reality? How is this supposed to work?


14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't believe people can "just believe" in God any more than thy can "just believe" in Santa Claus or miracles or other things that violate the laws of nature. People are raised to believe in such things, so their belief doesn't "just" happen--it's part of a long-term indoctrination process. Most adults who believe such things have spent large portions of their childhoods with other children who are being raised to believe such things and are taught by adults who believe such things. There's a great deal of circularity there, as you've noted. Adults who don't believe such things either broke from the pack at some point because what they were being taught just didn't make sense (the experience most people have with Santa Claus, for example) or were simply not raised to believe such things. Most believers are raised to believe, not to reflect on how that system of belief came about, so when a believer meets a non-believer they often have little or no common ground with respect to things like God. For many (most?) believers, belief in God began when they were so young that they have no memory of not believing (though they weren't born believing), and have a considerable psychological investment in believing coupled with an often weak intellectual framework for that belief. That's why some believers want non-believers to "just believe"--they don't and often can't understand that the non-believers don't have the same emotional commitments to the idea of a god, and they're unable to construct a sound rational argument for it because that's not how their belief was constructed in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    The passage you have chosen to question would be one of the most difficult for an unbeliever to begin to understand.

    Resurrection was not new, it is recorded that others had been resurrected from the dead, indeed Jesus called his friend Lazarus from the tomb and all the other resurrections from death recorded did not result in Michael Jackson type Thriller Zombies roaming round.

    The point is, you don't believe and therefore anything the Bible has recorded in it, will come under close scrutiny and require an academic logical explanation. Because that is the explanation you desire, you won't get it, God is not like that.

    The prophecies of the Old Testament clearly state that God's people will be like grains of sand, meaning tiny and insignificant. You have the potential to become important to God just as your ex-girlfriend is, but you would still be just another grain of sand, and as such don't have the right to question what God has authorised to be recorded in scripture.

    Incidentally the New Testament was not written by Romans, the oldest copies are written in Ancient Greek, this is because the Apostles went to Greece and their memoirs were recorded in the local language. Your cynicism won't be frowned upon by God, you are right to read scripture and question it, the accounts of events do vary between writers.

    If you went to a middle eastern country and sat with a group of people who regularly hand down accounts of the Christian crusades by word of mouth. Go back ten years later you would find that the account has altered slightly but the essence of the account given would be the same.

    Also if you found a book written in one language and had it translated into English one persons translation would differ from another and often people re evaluate the original and gain newer understanding.

    But you are clearly bothered that your ex chose God over you, she clearly knows more about what is right than you, rather than knock her belief do your own research to establish a firm basis for your unbelief.

    There are many Old Testament events that many people question, this man's research has discovered much truth behind these accounts and it is shocking that mainstream education chooses not to use this resource.

    Source(s): The Bible Jesus said 'no man can come to me, unless the Father who sent me, sends him' God knows the hearts of men, God will not introduce you to the Son unless He sees in you a willingness to accept what is true.
  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to believe in the stinkin' pile of bull crappery that is the Bible if you believe God exists. The Qur'an makes much more sense and has actual evidence to back it up. By the way, Jesus existed. Arguing on the existence of Jesus is pretty much meaningless. He existed, but was certainly not God or the Son of God.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    definitely!!! It became into something extra formal, yet I used to talk to Him regardless of the reason and because I saved forward to my very own ambition and needs, whilst He gave me avertisements I saved none and did my way going into further and added trubles! Into an end, interior of a deep depresion, He saved my life (!!!) the very 2d I left away of all my deep needs... There, empty heart, i became into crammed with God's mild and Peace and Love - an entire New life, a sparkling physique, a sparkling creative and prescient over the final and the destiny :) :) :) definite, he's my Saviour!!!

  • Bibs
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We all have different gifts. Faith is a gift of God. He gives us this infused knowledge. You can not believe without His help. One of the early Christian writers, St Augustine was a pagan, born of a pagan father and a Christian mother. He struggled with the same questions you expressed. He lived with and loved a woman to whom he was not married for 16 years. He prayed to God in this manner, "God, I do not know if you exist, but if you do exist, help me to believe." He found faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    my son is an atheist, my daughter-in-law a Catholic. The kind of Catholic, I am sure, who has enough good sense to ignore the Church's teachings when it is wise to do so.

    Your girlfriend did not dump you because you are a nonbeliever. She dumped you because you are the kind of person who sees the world as full of open questions, while she would like to shut down questioning. You are better off without her.

  • 1 decade ago

    True belief in God is the sum of personal experiences.

    There's nothing to do. You either are a believer or not a believer. This also, is subject to change at anytime.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because their parents brainwashed the kids into believing it. If I had a kid and told him to pray to Flying Spaghetti Monster, then he would believe in the Him just like he would with God.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    believe not x2: Matthew 24:23,26

    replace belief with kNOW

    belief is for know nots (children, servants)

    it's not belief that makes you free, rather

    it's know that makes you free: John 8:32

    make believe is for a proselyte, notably

    called "more the child of hell": Mt 23:15

  • 1 decade ago

    It is amply demonstrated that the lower the IQ and education the more likely they are just believe or feel

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