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What are your favorite genres that seem to barely exist?

On the RYM database, there are eight releases under the genre of sacred harp music. Obviously some stuff goes un-genre-tagged, and plenty of stuff hasn't been added, and most importantly, many (or most) of the sacred harp groups from way back when didn't actually record anything, or only released one or two commercial singles that no one's heard in seventy or eighty years, but it's still frustrating, because damn, it's good.

That's Present Joys by the Alabama Sacred Harp Singers, one of the best known groups and tracks to the general public due to inclusion on the Anthology of American Folk Music.

So far, I've been able to track down an Alabama Sacred Harp Singers compilation and a various artists compilation from Dust-to-Digital called I Belong to This Band. Both are really good.

Anyway, beyond that personal anecdote, all I'm really asking is: What are some genres which have a frustratingly small output available?

BQ: Do you like shapes in your notes?


The first time I heard fife and drum blues, my mind was blown. Then I learned it was a whole GENRE, not just one band who managed to land on a compilation, and I was so excited. Then I realized there's none to find, and I cried for days.

It seems like it could probably get old pretty quickly, though.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    fife and drum blues

    i found otha turner, sort of by accident, and i've had quite a time finding anything else.


    you can actually find the occasional hambone revivalist on youtube, but there really isnt much.

    old minor calypso or pre war calypso

    easier to find than my other 2 examples, but pretty hard to find anything pre-andrews sisters cover of rum and coca cola. maybe 10 or so artists that you can find on cd, about half of which are only represented by a couple of songs and all most all of them are expatriates, you pretty well cant find anyone who stayed in trinidad.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What baffles me is how it seems as though they've learned enough about piano/other instrument to know what pitches correspond with the letters, yet they see reading music as being too difficult. Same amount of effort goes into either method, really. We can't encourage or push people to learn to read music; we're not their parents, nor is their education our problem. Also, having a policy like refusing to type the answer they want may make sense, but simply ignoring those questions makes more sense. Y!A isn't going to not allow such questions, obviously. So, we need to just deal with it. If it bugs you this much, then just don't read the questions. Edit: I'm rather surprised when I hear about elementary school music classes nowadays. When I was in first grade (age 6), we had music class once a week (as many schools do), and the teacher taught us so much. We didn't just sing the little songs in the books, but she also made up games so we'd learn note values, time signatures, rests, and basic dynamic symbols. That was just the first of many good music learning experiences I had, but that one has stayed with me. It makes me sad to hear that other classes weren't this way and that this is rarely the case nowadays.

  • 1 decade ago

    New Jack Swing came and went too quickly.

  • 1 decade ago

    These are all gonna be obscure metal genres, deal with it

    Folk metal: finntroll, waylander, korpiklaani

    STONER METAL: sleep, electric wizard, bongzilla

    Symphonic death metal: winds of plague

    Party metal: acid drinkers

    Progressive death metal (not obscure just severely underrated): opeth, mastodon, katatonia.

    Those are the best I got so far

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  • No Wave

  • Punk.. There's hardly any decent Punk bands anymore..

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