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If your spouse told you "I don't know if I love you anymore" how would you react?

Would you punch a hole in the wall, and slam the door and threaten to file divorce?

or what??


20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends! If I was crazy head over heals in love with her just like I have been for over 14 years and it took me by surprise then I would say "what can I do to help you get your loving feelings back"

    IF we were both miserable and have been for awhile then should it surprise me? I would then say "okay what do you think we should do?" then if she wanted to work on it we could consider that and if she said get a divorce we could consider that too.

    Violence against doors and walls is not my style!

  • carol
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The first thing that I would do is be done with the marriage.

    If a person has to question himself about his feelings for a spouse and make that statement they have deep issues.

    It probably is more about them than it is about you.

    In my opinion that comment is mentally abusive and would leave me wide open to think I could ever trust them to remain married.

    A relationship is about being able to take the bad with the good and treating that person the way you would want to be treated.

    If I were to make that statement toward my partner he would probably react by walking out the door.

    I would not punch a whole in the wall or slam the door or waste my time on threatening a divorce.

    Because saying nothing is more than saying anything and put some space between us for that person to think about themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think what each person would do is different depending on the relationship. Angry, hurt, dissapointed...all normal feeling to hear this statement. You do not mention how old either of you are or how long you have been together. I think things can get said 'in the heat of the moment' or when someone feels venerable and gets defensive…it doesn’t make it right but it happens. I would ask ‘WHY?’ first. Figure out what is making them doubt their love/commitment to you, and then go from there. When something with this effect is said talking it out is the only way to go forward. Once you figure out why he said ‘I don’t THINK I love you any more’…then its either something you can work on or maybe you see your not on the same page anymore.

    I had a friend that was married for 2 years and her husband said the same thing. She called me and freaked out and first thought ‘If he could even say something like that to my face then he must not love me like I love him.’ I convinced her to find out why he felt that way. Turns up that he was scared, they were talking about having children and he was facing stress at work and they figured the best thing was for him to seek counseling alone, and then they went together. He ultimately said that he was worried that he would bring a child into this world and then face losing his job and not being able to provide for his new wife and child. They decided to lay off the children issue for 6 months and then revisit it. Turns out that when the subject came up again that he was in a better situation and less stress and they were prego’s 1 month later. Now have been together for 4 additional years and he until this day thanks me for talking to her that if she didn’t ask him why and he didn’t take the time alone that he knows he would have ended the marriage and regretted it every day since.

    Source(s): talked friend through the same situation
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd beg to go to marriage counseling and see if there is anything worth salvaging. Love (sometimes) comes and goes in a long term marriage, the important thing is to have other elements in place that keep it together and will help you find the love you once had.

    If you act in any of the manners you presented here, it's not likely to be helpful and more damaging than anything. Might help to convince her that she is right in not loving you.

    Counseling can help you rediscover each other, open up lines of communication that can help you like each other again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing that violent, I'm afraid. Sometimes we all feel that way. I think I would say, "Well, what now? Tell me what you are thinking and feeling here." I'd want to know if if there is anything I can do to make things better for him. That is not to say I would do anything he asked to save this relationship. It would have to make sense and be reasonable. Maybe I'd suggest marriage counseling.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would file for divorce immediately, because he would then realize if he does or doesn't love you when he saw that you mean business and you want him out of your life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the nearest lawyers office and clean the mother F**ker out!

    Source(s): LOL
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd be sad. Then I would ask if they wanted a divorce, or how they wanted to work it out.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say then you better figure it out and let me know.

    I choose to be with you. I don't have to be with you.

    Love is just love. You either feel it or you don't. It's not something you can control.

  • zoom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't, but that reaction that you described sounds like a Male reaction to me.

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