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what is the difference between arise, rise and raise? When are they used?

2 Answers

  • Bilbo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are all generally the same meaning to come up.

    Matters arise in the conversation (Intransitive verb - no object)

    You rise in the morning or hope for a pay rise. (use as intransitive verb (usually) or noun)

    You raise a matter for discussion. (use atranisive verb - with an object; occisinally as a noun - eg raise in pay)

  • 1 decade ago

    I associate "arise" with spirits. "He arose from the grave".

    "Rise" can be bread rising before it's baked, or it can be you rising from bed.

    "Raise" is lifting something up. "Raise the flag". "Raise a ruckus". "Raise sheep".

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