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pimlicoboi asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

So, what do you all think of my poem?

Firstly, I never write anything really much less poetry but I was in a very contemplative mood and I just needed to write down my thoughts and that soon turned into the below poem.

I'd like your honest opinions on it, if you thinks its bad say its bad or vice versa. cheers

So here I sit looking around

Just a man searching for answers out loud

Too many questions asked too many times

Pondering forever, If the bell still chimes?

So here I sit, thinking Who? What? and Why?

If I could make all this real to transcend all this joy

For all that is happening is happening in me

To translate into language would arrive such glee

So here I sit, left alone with them all

feelings abound, preempting a fall

To envisage myself as my own saboteur

To have trodden this path, just to say what for?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In my opinion, you are good at it, if this is your first attempt.

    It is easy to recite and the meaning is evident.

    Continue writing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems like you really want it to have meaning. Not enough is left to the reader, but good job overall.

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