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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw Enforcement & Police · 1 decade ago

Tinting car windows .. police question?

If my tints are within legal reason and the police stop me, will they/can they ask me to show them proof of the tint %? Furthermore, will the police check to see if the car was insured with the tints? (lets asume i dont declare my tints, i know it will void my insurance if i had an accident but anyhoo, if i dont declare the tints and the police stop me, will they check with insurrance and ask if i declared it? )


5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sadly they can ask you all kinds of things. Most likely they will stop and ask you if your tints are legal. You should keep a copy of the purchase order to prove what % they are.

    If they don't think they are legal, or if you don't have proof, or if they have any doubts, they can write a ticket. The legal process is for them to write a ticket and you to contest it in front of a judge. If your tint is legal, then you will be asked to go before a judge and provide evidence, and the ticket will be dismissed. It's probably a big waste of time and money on your end to show up in court every time, so just carry the proof around with you.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Having a dark tint is an excellent way to get stopped. When you get stopped you subject yourself to a warrant check and a further car inspection. Someone on the road will have a device that will be able to measure whether your tint is unlawful. I don't understand why people need dark tint. Most are wannabe gangsters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me<---not an expert. However, rather than risking an officer making the judgment that your tint is illegal, and having to go through the hassle of proving otherwise, I would consider it wise to carry proof of percentage. .

    While your insurance company may require tint insurance, the only thing the police can check for is if you carry liability insurance.

  • wimer
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    hi, i could ought to consider you, by way of fact the windscreen won't be able to be tinted, you may usually see a youthful male using employing his cellular telephone, they suspect it rather is a look after so as that they cant be seen. additionally they dont positioned on a seatbelt and extra often than no longer smoke products no longer made basically from tabacco. yet there are criminal limits interior the united kingdom, yet its the tinting companies which additionally must be pronounced, maximum follows the regulations yet one or 2 dont, and extra often than no longer the videos is put in via the owner of the automobile, this to keep away from the propose of the tinting companies. So i agree, max of 20% rear and 10% front, that way vendors can nonetheless personalize and nonetheless be pronounced!.

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  • Ted C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    These days the police carry meters that can measure the amount of light reaching the inside of the car while you are pulled over. They are usually only interested in wether you are insured or not, I believe.

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