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English Springer Spaniel Questions:?

Hi! Just this mornign we rescued an appriximatly 1-1.5 yr old female springer spaniel. Shes very sweet tho does seem to want to show dominance over our 10 yr old pug. I have a couple questions Im hoping to get some guide line answers to so we can begin to train & mold our new pup into a good family dog. 1) I do believe her to be underwieght can anyone please telll me how much a 1-1.5 yr old field style (F)springer should weigh? Also what is the best way to go about training her? She knows some basic commands but we will NEED to further her training to keep all parties happy & healthy.

Im also thinking shes was used as a breeder, I have no way of knowing for sure but in my opinion she has had more than 1 litter of pups already, she will be spayed soon but for now hes not. Can overbreedin cause loos of hair & deficiencies in the body? Her coat seems to be shiny & soft, but sparse & the underneath part of her tail is basicaly bald. I do know that she was runnig the street for an unknown time so Im chalking up some of the hair issues to lack of care & proper diet but Id like other opinions. I dont hv and pic as I am @ work currently but I can provide them to anyone who may be able to help me & needs to see her to help figure out what shes got going on. As I said she will be going to the vet soon, but Id like to try to figure some of these things out for myself or at lesast hv a general knowledge as to what is going on wither her. If you can provide w w any info no the breed (aside akc website & all that, Il already read these) Im looking for personal knowledge fro experience with the breed please, thank you

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Brilliant that you have rescued this dog, but not so brilliant that you haven't taken her to the vet. yet. Do this, now.

    I have owned and bred English Springers for many years. A 1.5-year old Springer female bred from original (heavier) working stock, should weigh about 18-22kg. Bred from (lighter) pet stock, she will be much lighter in bone, frame, and weight. The average is about 19.5kg.

    Sounds as though she may have given birth quite recently, and may have been feeding pups. B****ches lose the hair on their belly just before they give birth, and it takes about 3 months to grow back. Does she have big, swollen teats?

    Whatever happened to her before, she now depends on you, so take her to the vet. to get checked out, and buy a good book about training, read it and take note. Train your dog every day, so that you can be proud of her when you take her out with you, as I am.

    We were out & about today, & got complimented on our dog's behaviour many times. One child said, in passing "That dog's old!" (because she was sitting quietly). I said "No, she's not old, she's just well-trained."

    Best of luck to your new dog - I hope she's got lovely owners.

    Want more advice? contact me genuinely at

    Source(s): Owned, bred & boarded Springers for many years.
  • 5 years ago

    Dog training are excellent and very helpful to build you a stronger relationship with your dog. Read more

    After I started training my dog, he became very attached to me and loves to stay by side as long as he can. But just going to them won't help. You have to practice what they teach you outside of the class and you need to keep up with it at least every now and then after the class ends otherwise they'll just go back to previous habits. This course is a really good place to go for dog obedience classes. It get's your dog around other people and dogs to socialize while getting the training you need. As for electric collars, I would say to not get one. In my experience, they're only a negative effect on your dog. I mean of course you're going to need to correct your dog, but being positive and encouraging your dog works a lot faster and easier.

    Every dog is different, so unless you have a german shepherd or a really smart dog, it might take a while to train her. You might get frustrated with her, but go easy. She's still a puppy and has a lot of energy. A backyard or somewhere to run will help her get rid of a lot of energy that might cause her to misbehave from boredom.

  • Inge
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    yes...over breeding and breeding to early can cause growth stunts, hair loss, teeth loss, and bone takes way to much out of a dog to be bred over and over *puppy mill style.

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