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English on the Internet while living in Italy?

My computer is set for English...But because I live in Italy...Sites (IMDB, Yahoo, etc) default to Italian...I figured it out for Yahoo...But how do I get the internet to think I'm an English speaker rather than Italian...Thanks...

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can't - it "thinks" you are what your IP address says you're in. Each site has a different way, or no way, to force language. There's no universal way to do that (but maybe there should be).

  • kudro
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    it does no longer be impossible, it would be quite no longer common, no longer in basic terms because of the fact it fairly is no longer common to examine a clean language in later existence yet as english is the main complicated language comprehendible, as we've plenty and many slang that to a foreigner might make unquestionably no sense in any admire.

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