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What are some musical stigmas that you don't understand?

There are a bunch I can think of, but I think the biggest one is the mindless, rampant anti-disco mindset. Now, I listen to almost no disco (and what I do listen to is fake, hipster, 2008 disco - Hercules and Love Affair, who do you think you are?) but it doesn't really make sense to me why disco is such an accepted punching bag. People always say things like "there was always bad music; just look at disco in the '70s." Why are these assumptions made? Obviously the offenders don't listen to disco (I'd hope so, at least), but there are plenty of genres they don't listen to. Why disco? What did it ever to to you?

Provide another example of such a stigma, or just share some disco favorites.

BQ: How about Whitney Houston? (Not that she's disco - just asking.)

6 Answers

  • Sookie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I dig Disco!

    Got To Be Real - Cheryl Lynn:

    I dance whenever I hear it...including right now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Disco is by and large better than tons of music. Bee Gees are a fantastic group, in their disco and otherwise. Earth, Wind & Fire (when they are Disco) and Donna Summers are good too.

    I don't get the stigma on the term "Pop" music mainly. Pop in the sense of "popular" music is quite a broad thing, and Pop in the sense of "pop song format" can apply to many genres. I don't think there really even is an actual "genre" called "Pop". Lady Gaga is "Dance Pop" and The Beatles are by and large "Pop Rock". It's more of a secondary classifier of a genre, perhaps like "Psychedelic", although I'm skeptical about "Psychedelic" even in that sense.

    BQ: She's ok, I'm no fan though.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all...I love Disco....KC and the Sunshine Band...pure disco.

    there are some ggroups that get classified as disco but are not....Earth Wind and Fire is and R & B band that made Boogie Wonderland.

    Even Rod Stewart delved into disco with Do You Think I am Sexy?

    Punk shares a similar stigma.

    BA: She is a pop artist.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't get why metalheads (mostly death and thrash) hate hardcore so much. I mean, without hardcore, neither of those two genres would exist. At least respect where your own music came from. It seems like these days, anything that has a "core" in the name is automatically evil, simply because it comes from hardcore. Don't forget that all the music that these guys love is at least partially descended from hardcore, too. Yes, there's lots of generic hardcore and metalcore out there, but same with death and thrash metal

    edit @Jimmy: Classical musicians don't write their own compositions. they must all be garbage, right?

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  • 1 decade ago

    What is the big deal with writing your own songs? Seriously, what? I just don't get it. It's great if you do, hooray you're a real creative wizard, but so what if you don't.

    Disco is fun, how someone can watch the opening scene from Saturday Night Fever and not like it is beyond me.

    Bad Girls - Donna Summer

    This was played at a wedding I went to other say, you know everyone was out on the floor.

    We Are Family - Sister Sledge

    BA: Yay!

  • 1 decade ago

    that just because an artist is a douchebag or acts idiotic, their music must be terrible and/or worthless. and if you try to defend their work you are just as awful as they are.

    BQ: I actually do enjoy the few songs i've heard from her.

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