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MJ fans: where i can get videos of MJ when he get his awards 2007-2009?

i mean he received his awards. ;)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not sure, but i would say go to youtube and look up Michael Jackson recieves his awards in 2007, but i don't think he did recieve any in 2007-2009. The last one is got to be at least in 2006.

    But, if you mean where you can buy the music ward shows with him excepting his awards, then you should check out Ebay or or other sites like Michael Jackson sites that sells videos and other stuff of him. Well, i hope i helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most likely youtube. And I don't remember him receiving any awards during that time period. The last award I remember him receiving, was in 2006.

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