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Jingizu asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

What is it with voting these days?

Why do most people asking questions these days put it to a vote or just let it slide into voting? It seems that less and less askers choose a best answer themselves. Why do you think this is? Laziness perhaps?

5 Answers

  • Hafiz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am sure most of the respondents (Answerers) here would feel very pleased if the Asker of a Question is choosing the Best Answer.

    We all know that there are rewards in doing so by way of getting back 3-points, but this seems not been a good motivation for many people to decide for the BA themselves.

    Moreover, I am in a fix after asking a Question in Y!A as to when my Question would go for auto-voting, even though I have extended its time. This may be due to my ignorance, but can you guess if I have been using this forum for 4.5years by now and yet to get a full understanding of how and why Y!A behaves the way it does?

    We also know that there had been numerous repair, maintenance, shifting of the Y!A contents from smaller Servers to Large Servers (due to its phenomenal growth since 2006) and such technical upgrades done to this site on a continuous basis either unilaterally or upon users' feedback given in various forums including Y!A meets, but some of the the real feedback to remove some annoyance were seldom taken that seriously. For example, "Reporting" any Q&A may be limited to some top-hierarchy (like Level 5 to 7) so that the trolls can not harm anyone since they do not have patience to reach that kind of level by being troll or posting Answers like "I don't know" or "Yes" or "No" or "Hmm.."

    Now that Amanda (Y!A Official) has been engaged with our Q&A actively and also promising to improve on the shortcomings, I think we can first channelise this feedback system with Amanda alone. I have not so good experience with the Suggestion Board and such forum where you would not really find someone from Y!A taking responsibility and see to it that the promised changes are done.

    We also know that the founding members and designers and engineers of Y!A have left their job and joined elsewhere and also that Y!AT is more focussed to see that the revenue is generated and those concerns are making it difficult to handle our feedback to remove the inconveniences from this site.

    Recently I have seen that in Cricket section there are people copying part or in full the Answer given by other respondent an act of plagiarism and happily doing this without much inconveniences. Please do not tell me that we must 'report' such act. Y!AT may fix this problem by way of devising some help to identify plagiarism within a given Q&A window where "recycling fraud(s)" would automatically be highlighted and the perpetrator would be taken to task on such repetitive acts. Will that be a difficult task or program for Y!AT to design?

    PS. I have seen the demise of Y!360 and now much improved version is there now, but I don't know why I still miss Y!360 format, may be nostalgia.

    Sorry for the digression from your Question that has been nicely explained by others here. I agree that there are lazy people or should we say 'insensitive' people who would like to Ask questions but would not care to see if they got what they wanted to know and also reward the respondents by simply acknowledging the receipt of the answers, at the least.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There are definitely cases when people feel like they can't choose between two or three very good answers. One thing we'd like to do in the future is to have a better ratings system, so we can give the asker more information which helps them choose between the answers.

    However, I agree we don't do a very good job of notifying people that they need to come back to choose a best answer and we're hoping to fix this in the future. We did some research about when people receive answers and we found that the majority come in within the first hour or so, hence the change that you can choose a best answer yourself after 1 hour, rather than 4 hours as it was previously.

    If you have any suggestions on how we can make more people resolve their questions, I'm all ears.

    Source(s): Lead Designer for Yahoo! Answers.
  • vos
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I consistently vote yet I under no circumstances vote for the two at cutting-edge occasion cost ticket , I vote for the persons that look closest to sharing my perspectives, and frequently verify their balloting checklist on subjects that interest me in the event that they have held yet another place of work or place formerly as maximum have, as an occasion councilman working for mayor or representative working for senator of direction all of them say despite they think of you prefer to pay attention yet each so often even which could be revealing using fact each so often they say issues that I completely disagree with so I vote for their opponent

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey there..

    There could be three reasons behind this..

    1.) Laziness.. Don't want to choose best answer.. Let it aside for people.. Most of them got into tie and never get resolved..

    2.) They don't know when to choose best answer.. Some of them think days, some of them thinks 4 hours.. And due to that they forget to choose a best answer for their question..

    3.) New and don't know anything about best answer..

    Have a great day!..

    ∑RazorX7RX∑ ĉ

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    they should do something like this unless the asker sends it to a vote

    they should take 10 points away from the asker

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