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Do Christians need new light from the Scriptures regularly?

Does the church you attend continue to include pagan myths like Santa Clause, or the Easter Bunny? In light of Bible truth at Colossians 2:8 we should reject empty philosophies such as Santa and the Easter Bunny. It tells us to to live according to Christ. Revelation 18:4 tells us to get out religions that continue in these myths so that you will not be a part the myth, or false religion. Jehovah's Witnesses continue to get new light from scriptures that keep us free from these kinds of myths. John 8:32 says the truth will set you free. Free from empty man made myths and empty philosophies.


Brother Trucker: It really is a serious question in light of how many people are against the Witnesses getting new light. The question can help others see that new light from the Scriptures can keep us free from myths or empty philosophies of men.

Update 2:

Sasi: I do listen to what the scriptures say. That's why I don't believe in myths, or use them in my worship.

Update 3:

Reverend W: it really is a serious question, and not a sermon.

Update 4:

FireBall: Even the light of the world, Jesus Christ, did not reveal all things to the Apostles and disciples right away. It was only after Jehovah God resurrected Jesus that new light was given. Persoanlly, you can believe how you do, but, I wanted to know if new light from the scriptures is needed to keep Christians free from myths.

Update 5:

I'm ignorant guys! Huzzah!: I celebrated Christmas for 19 years. This celebration did not bring me closer the God. But, new light from the Scriptures has. Christmas was a big let down for me. All the anticipation, the bamm! Peace on earth and good will towards man is over in a minute.

Update 6:

bar enos: your right, Santa, and the Easter Bunny were never light to begin with. Yet, these myths are an inexorable part of worship by those who will not let the true light from the scriptures guide them. With this in mind-the inexporable myths of Christendoms churches- needed to be removed. But how could they be removed? New light.

Update 7:

Sufari: That is true, the Bible students did celebrate Christmas at one time. However, with the light of the scriptures getting brighter this celebration is out. And, every FDS member lives by the scriptures.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What some fail to recognize is that truth can be progressive.

    An example is the revelation of the seed. It started with Genesis 3:15 and continued until Revelation 12:17 - from the Hebrew scriptures right into the Greek scriptures.

    Jehovah first indicated that there woould be a seed, and progresively through faithful followers revealed how this seed would come about and who this seed would be.

    If you stopped with Genesis 3:15, and did not examoine the rest of the progressive understanding, we might still be standing around wondering who the seed was - because it actually encompasses more than Christ himself.

    And yes, the truth was revealed to the early Christians - but the WEEDS came in and covered up the little bit of wheat till the wheat - the true followers were invisible. As the parable of the wheat and weeds that Jesus gave explaines, when it is near the harvest time - our day, the angels have come in and removed the false so that what is true stands out as bright as the sun.

    Jehovah's people are blanketing the earth with the good news, just like rays of sun.

    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • People need light, period. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were never light to begin with.

    Jehovah promises increasing light, and His Witnesses continue to benefit from the increasing light that He provides. (Proverbs 4:18; Daniel 12:3, 4)

    Source(s): The HOLY Bible
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you. The church should not participate in the pagan aspects of holidays and I personally don't do it. I think it's totally wrong and it disappoints me that my church has an easter egg hunt every year for the kids. I go to that particular church because of the Biblical teachings. Our paster never discusses santa or bunnies, it's our youth pastor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To listen to groups like the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses, you would think "new light" was the identifying mark of God's select people today. Of course this is because both groups teach a great falling away (apostasy) in the first century Church, not long after it was established. Having convinced themselves that hardly any true Christians could be found over nearly 2,000 years, they then rejoice that God raised up their founding leader to give him fresh understanding and to start forming a modern-day group that uniquely understood the 'real' gospel message. People would have to believe this up-dated message if they wanted to be saved!

    So please don't create a red herring in the form of supposed pagan practices. Just pay attention to the Bible when God says that in times past God used to speak to the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Believe the 1st century Christian Jude who wrote that we are to contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints - in the first century. (verse 3 & Hebrews 1:1-3)

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  • 1 decade ago

    They usually go by what their preachers tell them!

    Especially in anything having to do with science!

    It is a total waste of time for any man/woman of science to engage in a rational dialogue with any religious people, especially Christians! Muslims lost any momentum they had hundreds of years ago! Today they are strictly into bombing themselves up at any busy street corner with plenty of innocent people around! The Jews hold the greatest number of patents and contributions to humanity than any other ethnical group. In their knowledge they also put together the basis for the Christian/Muslim religions that bring so many wars, pain and suffering into our world…

    1 Timothy 6:20 (KJV) O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, AVOIDING PROFANE AND VAIN BABBLINGS, AND OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED.

    Most Christians of all brands, including some prominent US PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES like Pat Robertson REALLY hate SCIENCE because it contradicts the Bible. Can you POSSIBLY imagine what America would be like with Pat Robertson, or even Sarah Palin as President? Pat has millions of Christians in America supporting him with a lot of money! He believes that science is a Communist plot to hurt America!

    A scientist looks at the evidence and can’t help to draw conclusions while Christians read some of the Bible and look around for supporting evidence… Up until recent history CHRISTIANS IMPOSED THEIR VIEWS ON SCIENCE BY LAW!

    Christians now are sponsoring all kinds of archeological diggings in the “Holy Land” just to prove that King David, King Solomon, Moses and so on were real persons and not some fictional characters in the Jewish Bible stories, or some puny chieftains manipulated by the Bible writers. In frustration, the Clergy makes up all kinds of “infallible” DOGMAS to support the absurd stories in the Bible that would identify their Church brand above the other ones. In some Christian oriented countries these dogmas become the law of the land. In Muslim countries they either live by the official Quran interpretation or die at the hands of those who worship Allah enough to kill…! Some religions are more savage than others…

  • 1 decade ago

    i have never heard a sermon about santa or the easter bunny.

    you think they should be replaced with your new light?

    so we should believe in invisible archangel michael jesus who appointed the watchtower as fds in 1919 while they were celebrating christmas? so if jesus approved the celebration of christmas as meat in due season, as food at the proper time, as correct spiritual sustenance, why are you trying to tell jesus he was wrong? do you tell jesus what to do now? are you above jesus?

    if celebrating christmas is wrong, so your fds claim must be wrong. it is your new light doctrine that falsifies your fds claim.

    your fiction is no better than the easter bunny fiction.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rather be a kind idiot than a complete fool. Enjoy mocking Christians while you can buddy. That cold, empty, nothing that you are so devoted to cramming down everyone's throat is catching up to you with each breath.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those characters are added for the sole purpose of making their religion appeal to their kids.

    Source(s): My kid thinks santa and jesus are dumb.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That question is so contrived and dishonest it does not deserve an answer. My mother and grandparents were JWs. I know your dismal history of enlightenment and all your false prophecies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love these sermons that are not so cleverly disguised as "questions".

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