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blue317 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

If Juan Williams was a white guy....would he be getting all of the media support?

Or do you think...that the media would turn on seems like just this past week that OReilly said something like this and he was blasted by the Juan is getting treated completely different....Whats your opinion?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hell no.. he would be hung out to dry,. the media would call him a racist and he likely would never be able to get another job. Just another example of racism against whites in this country.

    However,, let me say, I support him,. I do not think he should have been fired, that was stupid,, he voiced an opinion, the media does it all the time.. he does not need to apologize to anyone. He only said out loud what millions of us think everyday when we get on a plane.

  • Juan Williams said nothing like Bill O'Reilly, in fact he was making an argument that we should be toning down the conversation and not being so sensational.

    What is interesting is that the NAACP has been silent about Juan's firing when they lobbied for a black to be on air at NPR.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not that he was the only black person at NPR. Bill was only getting it from the left and supported from the right and center. Juan is getting the support from most...that's how wrong it was. Then for the CEO to come out and insult him later only added fuel to the fire. In a REAL business, that CEO would get canned.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If Juan Williams was a white guy the Fox News Publicity Stunt would not have worked!!!!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Wow you liberals are a tolerant bunch,i might say that this qualifies as a fantastically bigoted question.i do no longer trust what Mr Williams says ninety 5% of the time yet I comprehend his opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    If juan williams was a white guy his name would be John Williams and NO!! He would be labeled a racist and worthy of a job reporting the news in Banishedtown, N.D.!!

  • 1 decade ago

    That isnt the issue....

    Though I disagree with pretty much every thing that comes out of Juan's mouth... one thing you CANNOT pin on him is that he is a bigot. Given that context, the press would be negligent if they DIDNT raise such a ruckus.

    This MORON at NPR screwed up.. and screwed up BADLY, to the point that they will end up getting SUED... and rightfully so.

    God Bless Juan... he spoke his mind and paid for it.. DEARLY...Now he can see our POV...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it would be the same.

    Liberals would be blasting him and the conservatives would be defending him

    Aparently NPR had given give a few warnings before about what he said as an "NPR Analist"

    This was soo much that they even asked Fox not to announce him as one of their own when he went of O'Reilly.

    So, Freedom of Speech does not protect us from our employers, they have a right to "protect their profits" etc bla bla bla

  • 1 decade ago

    Juan Williams was a right-wing, Fox News inspired set up just like the ACORN set-up. They created it and then they gave it a lot of publicity.

  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Williams deserves what he got and O'Reilly should be going the same Route.

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