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What types of video games would you like to see come out?

I'm a Nintendo guy, and I recently played Mario Galaxy 2, which was great, perhaps the greatest platformer made to date. However I'd love to see a 3D Mario game, for the Wii or the next main system, in which it has all the best aspects of Mario platforming, but also with more of a story (a la the Mario Superstar Saga games, perhaps), besides just saving the princess (and/or an RPG variation on this, tho I can't complain much about the Paper Mario series). Essentially I want the Ultimate Mario Game.

Also a new Star Fox game, mixing the best elements of both 64 and Adventures... and a new Kirby game, perhaps a 3D one this time, idk if that would work, but they did it with Air Ride, so mix that with the type of thing you do in Kirby 64 and you've got Gold. Basically I want Nintendo to try and make the ultimate example of all their franchises.

Hey, Yoshi and Donkey Kong need new games too (we'll see how the new DK and Zelda games are). I'd also just like to see more classic characters being created, and new original adventure/platformer games, I'm tired of the endless shooter games.

But what are your ideal new game ideas, and what would you like to see more of in the gaming industry? Thanks.


Also, how about a new Monkey Ball game which improves upon the classics that are 1 and 2? Man, those games were great but it fell off after 2.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I want original games. Not all sequel after sequel. It ruins game franchises like Zelda, Sonic, Final Fantasy, etc. And we need to have Original Ideas, no more modern FPS's Thats why I dig games like Oblivion and Fallout (new ones) they offer fun and original Ideas.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been rooting for a new Paper Mario game, though I never played the Wii version, it didn't sound very appealing I like the RPG aspects of it. TTYD is in my top 5 games of all time and I hope that they go back to the style that it had. It took the ideas from Paper Mario and it evolved the tech from N64 to GC, so why not do the same for the Wii? Perhaps not too much emphasis on the Wii-motes and just a sweet game you can sit down and play.

    Xbox needs to come out with a few more RPG's, Halo is a blast and my roots in FPS games but that market is extremely over-saturated right now. Fallout 3 is one of the best 360 games out there and New Vegas did just come out (I can't wait to buy a copy) but New Vegas also had no competition in the RPG market, that should tell game developers something. Medal of Honor bombed because of how much bullshit is in that market, the genres need to expand a bit.

    I don't have that huge of wishes, I'm also a Nintendo guy and whenever they come out with a game from one of their successful franchises it is fantastic. But the Wii itself isn't my idea console, I feel like it's an exercise machine instead of a brain-melter, when I sit down to play my opinion is totally changed, I guess once a N64 guy always a N64 guy

  • 1 decade ago

    Still waiting on a pure Parkour game. 3D, customization, flow, a great storyline, basically all the things you look for in a good open-world game. Oh, and real physics, not some Tony Hawk story-high jump engine. I mean like you have to work to get where you want to. Mirror's Edge was good, but a lot of the realism went away with the physics and areas you could and couldn't go.

    Source(s): personal experience
  • Mary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I like RPGs, specifically JRPGs. I liked the Final Fantasy games up to FFIX, which I HATED. My favorite was FFVIII. People are very much divided on FFVIII, some people love it, others hate it. Right now I'm currently replaying FF Tactics. I also like the old classic arcade games, I have a lot of the collections of arcade games ported to various consoles. I don't like most shooters, unless they are old arcade games, because my reflexes are just not as good as they used to be. I am bored silly by sports and fighting games. I'm female, in my 50s, and when I was in my teens, I used to go to arcades a lot...where they had pinball machines, mostly, without electronics. I remember playing Pong, and also seeing Pacman and being bewildered by it.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I do have a Xbox 360 i do not want to see another Halo come out and i would like to see more vintage arcade classics that has been never released come out in a volume set series by makers such as Atari and etc to come out on the all the current game systems

  • 1 decade ago

    Not cod 7......

    Hmmm, I wonder.... Fallout 3 mixed with yoshi sounds good!

    Yeah I think Yoshi should get more games, he's awesome XD.

    I'd also like to see less shooters, unless they are rpg shooters, for instance mass effect 2, great storyline.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would love to see an Xbox 360 game where you make a character just like you and put him through life just like the SIms but only for Xbox 360.

  • 1 decade ago

    For a PC MMORPG i would like to see a game with everything a normal MMORPG has along with the fighting style of like, Heavenly Sword. You know? Walk around with WASD and have like a slash/block/kick/whatever else button.

    The way i explain it, not to convincing. But when i imagine it it's so much sicker :)

  • 1 decade ago

    i totally agree with I am a Viking!!!!! I am a super fan of The Elder Scrolls:Oblivion and Fallout 3!!!!!!!! Bethesda rocks! =) anyway...role-playing games are the games that i am looking forward..

  • 1 decade ago

    Mega man star force 4. that's what's up.

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