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Republican or Democrat?

I just saw a few poll responses, where Americans were asked which party they agreed could handle the economy better: When asked about Republicans, 49% said "yes", 51% said "no; Democrats: 41% said "yes", 59% "no". (Notice that neither party got more than half in the positive support)

Also, when asked which party was responsible for the economic crisis, 61% respond "Republicans".

Now, I am not stating that these are based on FACT - this is merely voter's perception. So don't come on here bashing me about not having facts to back this up, yada, yada. . . or to support my opinion, because this is not my opinion. I am merely stating the perspective of what the average voter feels when asked.

To continue this, most voters HATE the current ads that are negatively attacking the opponent because they are merely attacking; not stating anything that they are going to do if elected. So if all this is so, why is it that people are willing to vote back into office the party they perceive responsible for the mess of this nation to FIX the mess? And they are relying on all of the negative stuff that is being said by the Republicans about the Democrats? I am not asking this question to support Democrats, rather to find out how many people really understand that STUPIDITY (yes - I said it!!) of having 2 major parties, and people being unhappy with BOTH of them, putting one party in when the other pisses us off!

Aren't those negative ads comparable to Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th killer) coming out and arguing what a mass killer Michael Meyers (Halloween's killer) is, defending the job that he would do as the protector of the neighborhood??

Doesn't it seem senseless to vote one party out and put in the party that you previously voted out for the same damn reasons?? I am not getting it. I think that too many voters are a bit mentally unbalanced and not thinking very rationally. In the end, the person elected is NOT going to do anything that will help this nation, rather they are going to vote what their party officials/leaders tell them to, and where the money is. And then in the end, we have merely put in another individual that is EXACTLY like the one that we voted out of office for the same damn thing. And the process will repeat over and over again. . .

Definition of insanity is doing the very same actions over and over again and expecting a different result. Aren't the actions of us voters the example of this statement?


My point is not about voting one out when they are not doing the job - of course you should do that. What I am saying is that you are putting in more of the same to "change" it. You know - you don't patch a leaky tire with air - you patch it with something that DOES THE JOB - not the exact same thing that was the issue to begin with.

Voters want someone that will represent them, and not follow the party or do what corporate money wants them to. Voters want someone that does what is best for the voters; not what is best for their career/pocket. That is my point.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Neither. Marxian socialist.

    Your post is just a long, roundabout way of saying "'Yeah, they suck, but sometimes one of them sucks worse, or, at least, more recently." Having seen your posts here, I don't think I'm going out on a limb here guessing which one you think sucks worse, nor am I mistaken on which you think is the "lesser.evil."

    To which, as a Marxist, an independent, and an opponent of the two-party system, I answer with a time-honored response --

    "The lesser evil is still evil. It's better to support what you actually want, and not get it it, than to support something you _don't_ actually want, and _get_ it."

    Look, there really _is_ no hope as long as working people are locked-in to a competition between spokesmodels for different corporate political cartels. The Republicrats just represent factions that urge different management techniques on the superwealthy who govern our lives, Their debates will always be about limiting increases in social rights, or about taking back already-granted ones. The competition will always be between those promising to send more grits and bacon to the slave quarters, although not necessarily delivering ("liberals"), and those arguing that the way to save the plantation is to beat us slaves harder and tell us it builds character ("conservatives").

    "Without a party, apart from a party, over the head of a party, or with a substitute for a party, the proletarian revolution cannot conquer." -- Leon Trotsky

    You can't beat something with nothing. The bosses have their two parties, and plenty of voluntary junior-leaguer "third parties" like libertarians as well.

    Working people need a party, too.

    Oh, and even if you support liberal/conservative-type politics, one thing can't be denied -- in this period of decline and senility of the Empire's ruling class, the quality of their spokesmodels has gone down drastically.

    Is there a Republican on the continent who would last ten seconds in debate with Barry Goldwater? A teabagger who wouldn;t run with their tail between their legs from Douglas MacArthur? A Democrat who wouldn't be laughed out of the room if they tried to debate FDR? Any Madison, Ann Arbor or Berkeley "radical professor" who wouldn't get his butt waxed if arguing with the leftist trade unionists from the 1930s, the Dunn brothers?

    Welcome to the twilight years of the Empire. The quality of our bread, and of political circus performers, is not likely to go up.


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm guessing 2 things are at play here:

    1) Independents voted Obama in based on the promises of change in Washington and transparency. He hasn't delivered, so they're willing to give the Republicans another chance. Voting Democrat again would be saying they're happy with what they did the last 2 years, and that just simply isn't the case.

    2) Most have realized both parties are corrupt and suck. The best thing for the country has been when their is balance in Washington (i.e. Republican Congress w/ Democratic President). Only way to stop the runaway agendas.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to look at where these polls are being taken~ and besides media is nothing more than a train wreck waiting to happen. It sells~ that's all.

    I too, am turned off by all the negative ads on TV~ I want to hear what they can do for the country, not what the other guy said or did.

    I'm waiting to see the light at the end of said tunnel~ November is just around the corner.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There must be consequences for the actions of the politicians.

    If they ignore their constituents, they should be voted out.

    If they make the country worse, they must be voted out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's why we need 2 Term Limits!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those polls don't surprise me

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