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tailbone problems, possibly coccydynia?

so ive had tailbone problems for over three months now. and the specialists that i have been to have been telling me that they dont know what it is and i did blood work and an xray but nothing popped up. so ive been doing physical therapy for about a week and it still hasnt help. any idea of what i should do?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago


    I'm sorry to hear about your pain. You should ask for a dynamic x-ray... that is an x-ray where that they can take with you in multiple position so they can tell if the coccyx is moving. There is a lot more information on coccydynia on the website There are a bunch of other things to look at as well...

    I'm not saying your condition is as severe or should be worried, but my wife had to have a coccygectomy due to child-birth. I hope you find some answers.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i don't have a topic with it in any respect. i've got dated exterior of my race countless cases. the 1st "love of my existence" became white and my modern-day boyfriend is jap. yet I comprehend what you're saying. And it particularly is not incredibly lots black women persons the two, i don't comprehend why anybody would elect for to cut back themselves whilst love may be present in maximum of distinctive places.

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