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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetHardwareOther - Hardware · 1 decade ago

Can i overclock my cpu?

Intel E2160 dual core 1.8ghz,,asus P5G-MX motherboard,,,512mb ddr2 ram,,80gb hdd.....can i overclock my cpu..or there will b any problem after overclock.....

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My suggestion is not to, simply because (from what I can tell) you are not well versed in computer internals. As you know there is a fan attached to your CPU, and overclocking your CPU means you will need to tell it to work harder, or upgrade the fan/cooling system in your computer. I would not overclock your computer unless it runs cool as it is, and if you are aware that such actions can easily cause hardware problems in your computer

    If you do decide to do that, I would use a program called speed fan that allows you to check the heat of your CPU etc, and also control fan speeds.

    Happy overclocking :D

    Source(s): personal experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I highly doubt you could do anything with that computer besides throwing it away. If it's a brand name computer like HP, Dell, Sony etc. They usually lock the features in the BIOS making you unable to adjust any frequencies or voltages.

    You're computer is so out dated. Only 512mb of ddr2 ram, small hdd, old CPU and Motherboard, probably integrated graphics. I'm guessing that this computer is well over 3 years old. Time to upgrade. Even if you COULD overclock it wouldn't do much for you. Any more questions? Glad to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say it can be overclocked however there can be alot of problems with overclocking such as heat. However if you are trying to make the computer faster you would be better off adding more ram because 512 mb is pitiful

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes its possible to overclock that cpu.

    But u seem to be a total beginner in this.

    i suggest u check out some over clockers forums first.

    Post for some help there.

    Also get ready to spend some money on a powerful fan or two.


    maybe even a new cpu if u loose this one.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sure if you run too many programs at 1 time, get a cpu and ram tachometer from windows sidebar gadgets and leave it on the desktoip. i can tell by my tach that i can't run dvdflick 2 in a row to encode 2 movies at the same time, my tach pegs in the red zone for cpu useage.

    the tachometer is a pretty good tool for deciding when to shut down certain programs.

    vote for me the best answer (10 pts.) !!.

  • 1 decade ago

    of course, you will not be able to gain much though, you will need an aftermarket cpu cooler, and at least 800mhz memory. the p5g series of mobos are great overclockers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Intel doesn't allow overclocking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your computer sucks, why would you even consider overclocking?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes that thing can easily be done using * bios settings...and it shows a considerable change in the performance of the computer.....

    but do it at your own risk....:)

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