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If you died & found yourself free of everything?

-- still a living entity, but detached from a physical body, free of all physical attachments, free of attachment to any & all human beings & animals & other (possible) entities... and were able to do absolutely anything (with the single exception of being unable to harm any living being) -- what would you do with Forever?


Eristic --

Non-attachment doesn't mean one has no interests nor curiosity.

i'm curious about *lots* of things i'm not the least bit attached to.

The Buddhist boddhisatvas supposedly have no attachments -- yet return into incarnation out of *compassion* for humanity.

Since the Question posits you can do *anything* (as long as it harms no one) & since you are able to *do* anything -- you can *choose* any number of attachments again -- & you can even choose to embody yourself in a billion different bodies, all over the universe, simultaneously! You can choose to experience thru *every* living organism -- with the omnipresence of Goddess, Herself!

You can choose to create whole new universes!

Update 2:

noworries --

i used the both-gender-inclusive words. GODdess, sHE, HEr intrinsically include both sexes.

The words "God," "He," & "Him" do *not* include the feminine, but rather *exclude* it. There is the *pretense* that they do -- but it remains a patriarchally-biased & androcentric deception.

Why is this issue raised most times when the all-inclusive "Goddess"/ "She" terminology is used -- but next-to-never raised with the "God"/ "He" terminology is used? The fact that it so-often *is* raised shows how intrinsically the bias has been indoctrinated into us.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    You still possibly can become an "energy force" of your very own being, But this can have no form or texture nor even a weight, as there is no presence of body.

    You are still a "living spirit" with that energy possessed as a creature, and though that realm is still somewhat vague to see it through in much wider and accurate view by the physical realm of the living.

    Thus, IF I will have to be aware of "doing something with forever". Then there will be a possibility of real existence of life sustained in a different form. There could be a natural "system" on that existence that will also possibly urge the "will" of my own energy to move on into another world..

    Anything can be also possibly possible in this creation of this universe.

    My own distinctive nature of energy could enforce something to influence whatever attracts my own energy force as well.

    There is freedom of being a part of that life energy force to move on but that is whatever is there to make the energy goes for to attach itself again into something..

    That I may only guess..

    It's difficult to show the facts that lies behind this concept, as I am only basing this answer from a perspective related to this subjective question as well..

    Have a nice time..!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you would have to reach that point before you could possibly comprehend all the possibilities and make that choice. At this point I guess I would have to say I would experience everything. I do find it curious that you use the word " Goddess " . It seems to me that the debate over G-d being male or female is old and worn. Is it not true that an omnipotent being would have the ability to be neither male or female, or both simultaneously, or alternate at will. To try and restrict that being to an existence as we know it would be to deny the very omnipotence we claim makes that being superior

  • 1 decade ago

    Explore the universe forever in a really advanced space craft which I created with my ability to do anything

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm going to form attachments. That's just the way it is.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wow, heavy, dude!"!!

    Forever/ - that's a toughie = watch reruns of Dexter.

    I suppose sex is out of the question, what with you not having a body to do it with.


  • 1 decade ago

    If you are not attached to anything: why would you have any interest at all in life?

  • Ocky
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    travel to the edge of the universe of course

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When something like that happens, I probably wouldn't know that it has happened. It would just happen, and things will be alright.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would meditate on how to create a whole universe that would have no evil, and I would do it.

    Source(s): jen
  • 1 decade ago

    In life or death, you are not free,

    there is always a higher calling. <}:-})

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