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Dina W
Lv 6
Dina W asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

How did Harry Reid win the election?

In the Congressional races 316,584 Democrats voted

and 356,302 Republican voted

Yet 361,172 voted for Harry Reid...... that is 44,588 more people than voted for Democrats for the House...

And Sharon Angle received 320,622 and 356,302 voted for Republicans for the House, which makes 35680 less.

I cannot imagine that many people voting for a Republican person for the House, and then turn around vote for a Democrat for the Senate...

and that leaves thousands that apparently only voted for the Senate race.

This math is really strange.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was running against a wingnut. It is a disgrace that the election was even that close.

  • Rick31
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It means more people voted for him. They realized he is a powerful man and I guess they did not want a freshman Senator with less power than Reid has. I was disappointed that Nevada voters returned this slime-ball back to the Senate because his pushing forward Obama's agenda has hurt all Americans not just people from Nevada. Perhaps it was because his opponent was a woman and maybe she was too far to the right. I remember South Carolina returned Strom Thurmond in 1978 when he was 6 points down in the polls the Saturday before election day and he won by 6 points. Polls don't count; it's the votes.

  • Jer.L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I know that you'll find this UN-Believable but there are people who vote on what is called a "Split Ticket." Some choices are for the GOP and some are from the Dems. It is quite possible that they were following Angle and just decided that this is not who they wanted to represent the state.

    Imagine it, because it DOES happen. Reagan won NYS twice, and NY is heavily democratic, So Reagan wins the presidential vote, and then a dem Cuomo wins the Governors office.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you're puzzling Sen. Harry Reid along with his son, Rory Reid, the candidate for governor. in accordance to the maximum recent poll, Rory Reid is working exceptionally (approximately 20%) in the back of his Republican opponent.

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  • Had to be rigged. Other than that, most of the Hispanic vote went to him, supposedly because the liberal extremists tried to portray anti-illegal immigration as racist. Sometimes I wonder how somebody can not notice the word "illegal" in the phrase "illegal immigration". Liberal extremists want to give out citizenship to anybody who jumps over the border and breaks our laws. Those of us who voted for Republicans on Tuesday have no problem with immigrants, as long as they fill out the proper paperwork and come over here *legally*. And the requirements for naturalization are already lenient.

  • 1 decade ago

    The split House/Senate vote didn't only happen in Nevada, but in multiple states. That 's why the Republicans took the House but not the Senate.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    trust me if it was rigged it will come out to many people are watching this for him not to play it straight,watch Reid move to the center a bit

    and all I can say is after 14 yrs and a 14% unemployment rate tent city's of homeless after the housing collapse remember Nevada was one of the states hit the hardest from the housing for-closers. Nevada has nothing to brag about.

  • Romeo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You stole my question. I personally think he might have rigged the election in much the same way that casino cheats rig the slot machines. After all, he presides over the largest piece of gambling casino real estate in the USA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately that a**hole won. I need to move out of Utah as it is too close to Nevada.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's too late for me to be figuring out the math so why don't you take this to the election board or something?

    Source(s): common sense
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