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Is this pneumonia gone or is it something else?

I was diagnosed with pneumonia two weeks ago.. I was put on injection medicine and three days later given oral antibiotics. The doctor exchanged the antibiotics after he realized they were not being effective. Now I'm off antibiotics but i have this very dry cough that makes my chest hurt everytime I cough. The phlegm is no longer there, and I feel some sensation on my sternum and at times I'm breathless. Is something else goin on there because my doc is convinced pneumonia is all cleared....

1 Answer

  • J B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is probably just residual symptoms from the pneumonia and coughing is your body's way of removing the remaining germs from your lungs. Taking some tylenol or motrin for the chest discomfort would be common sense plus an over the counter cough medication at night so that you can sleep. And, running a humidifier in the bedroom where you sleep. A residual cough can be present for weeks after being treated for pneumonia.

    Source(s): Health care provider
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