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My boyfriend is a good kisser, but sometimes he slobbers a little?

Before anyone thinks this is like some middle schooler asking for kissing advice, I'll mention that I am 18 and my boyfriend is 19.

So, last night, I was dropping him off at his friend's apartment, and he went in to kiss me, like usual. But he started getting into it more and more, and we started making out. I'm fine with that because he's a good French kisser. I just have trouble with when he kisses me regularly.

He parts his lips way too much for regular kissing, and when I pull away, I have his spit all around my mouth and I try to casually turn away and wipe it off, but I'm getting sick of it. I want to say something, but he is completely cocky with his kissing skills. He often says, "I know the way I kiss you turns you on." And, it does, but not when my face is slobbered on, ha.

Should I say something about it? And if so, how should I approach it? I was thinking about not saying anything critical, but just tell him more of what I like. Know what I mean? Like, I looove when he kisses me hard. It's so intense. So, when we're kissing, should I just pull away and be like, "I love when you kiss me hard." ?

I don't know. What should I do?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Young lady my answer to you is....Men need to be trained! You both being so young someone has to start the training. It seems that you are allowing him to train you! Turn the tables and train your man. you could either explain CALMLY to your young man,,,which will probably upset him since he's cocky as you say or you could train him quietly. Making excuses will only prolong this slobber or learn simple training tactics.

    With hold something he wants...get my drift? Push him back gently with your hands before he starts to get to the point of slobbering, and divert yourself to something else like kissing his neck or nibbling his ear. Do this every time! Never let him get to the point of slobbering. Learn to control the situation every time and therefor he will never be the wiser and in the process your training him. A woman in control has the power to train any man.

    If his slobbering grosses you out and you don't like it on your face...then think about all the germs your allowing him to disperses upon your person, Train...train...train.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Lol that sounds funny. =P I had the same problem with my bf when I was 14. Some suggestions I have are... You could politely tell him that he slobbers on you. Or you could hint that you don't like wet kisses. Like say "My friend was telling me the other day that her bf gives wet kisses and slobbers on her face... Gross." After you make out with him, give him a hug and put your face on his shoulder so you can wipe his slobber on him without him realising. You or could just not make out. When you kiss him, try to keep you mouth not closed but close enough so he can't get his tongue in there. =] P.S you're not to young to be making out and it won't lead to sex. You're just mucking around with a new boy and experimenting. There's nothing wrong with that. =]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're exactly right. Point out what things you DO like, and hopefully he'll just keep doing those things more often. People tend to take it personally if you say you don't like something and then they get all upset and blah blah blah. If you try that and he's still not really getting it, don't turn your head away when you wipe your mouth and maybe he'll see how messy he is, lol

  • 1 decade ago

    Next time when you two are about to kiss just tell him, "baby do you think you can minimize the slobber glands, its kinda nasty to have slob left on my face when we're done kissing". He should understand, let him know you dont mean any harm. It just turns you off to have slob left on your face and is quiet unnecessary.

    Source(s): Boyfriend used to do the same to me but not anymore after I told him.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I had a boyfriend just like that once, and it was so gross. So I would definitely just say something like you know, i dont really like when you kiss me like that, but when you kiss me like this...blahblahblah. good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Say it to him - but in a diplomatic way... imagine how you'd like to be told the same thing...


  • 1 decade ago

    Be open with him. tell him what you like! this is the secret!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    instruct him as 2 what u want !

  • 1 decade ago

    say something, it will only get worse.

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