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tay lew

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Hey, I'm Taylor. I used to be on this every. single. day. but now i've gotten my life back, ha. consequently, i'm not on very often these days. MAKE TODAY A GOOD DAY. :D

  • Peeing much more frequently at night?

    Last night I went to dinner and a movie with a couple of friends from work. With my dinner I had one tall fruity drink, non-alcoholic, and that's it. I didn't even touch my glass of water. When we got to the movies, I went to the bathroom before it started, and yet had to go really bad again after it was over. When I got home I showered and did my usual nightly routine before bed, and peeing is part of it.

    Well, last night, I woke up 5 times (every 2 hours or so) with a bladder so full it hurt. I have no idea why since I didn't drink anything since dinner, and that was around 8pm. What I drank then should've been emptied out the second time at the movie theatre.

    This is the first time this has ever happened. Online it says I may have a UTI, but it doesn't hurt or burn to go to the bathroom; I just had to get rid of a lot of pee frequently? ha. Idk how to phrase that.

    So, if anyone has any ideas, that'd be great. I do enjoy my sleep, and having to wake up every few hours (though I did reach REM sleep and was dreaming) is frustrating.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • I want my ex to leave me alone?

    I'm 20 and my ex is 20 years old as well. We broke up around 4 months ago because he cheated on me, with several girls. And, since then, he calls, leaves voicemails, texts, or messages me on my blog at least once every 3 weeks or so. I've never replied because I want nothing to do with him anymore. But the messages always say, "I love you. I f-ed up, but I'm gonna get you back one day. You're the best thing I ever had," blah blah blah. I usually get these messages around 3am or so, so I'm assuming he's drunk when he writes them. I would say that's just him drunk-talking, but he also texts my best friend every now and then and asks about me.

    I don't get it. He cheated on me and didn't want to be with me, so why won't he just leave me alone? Does he think it's hurting me? Because I'm over him. At this point, it's just annoying and I just want him to stop. I can't block him from asking me things on my blog, but I have already blocked his facebook and keep him under "A$$hole" in my phone, so I know when it's him and when not to answer. But it's seriously driving me insane. What can I do to just make him stop??

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My boyfriend's ex is telling me lies about him?

    only I'm not sure if they're lies. I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 20, btw.

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. And a few months back, his ex-girlfriend messaged me and told me that he kept calling her and telling her he missed her and stuff. She even offered to let me see the messages, but I ignored her and trusted my boyfriend's word.

    Just about an hour ago, she messaged me again, and said that he tried to get with her at this party they were both at (I was supposed to go with him, but I had a big exam the next day and had to study). I know he was drinking that night because he drunk called me like 5 times, ha. He says he'd never cheat, but when people are drunk, it's hard to say, ya know? She also said that he's been texting her recently and telling to her come over to his place so they could hook up.

    The last thing she mentioned was that she was at a party where he was at, and apparently my boyfriend was doing coke. I know he used to do it in the past, but that was over a year ago. He said he quit all that stuff a few months before he met me and he hasn't done anything since.

    He also claims that these are all lies because she just wants to get back with him. But she keeps telling me that she isn't interested in him anymore. She just wants to look out for me because she knows the kind of guy he is.

    My boyfriend says that if I believe any of this stuff then we should just break up. I don't want to lose him, but I feel like there might be some truth to what she's saying. Idk. Should I just trust my boyfriend?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys, my boyfriend isn't that great at oral?

    I am 19 and my boyfriend is 20. He likes to go down on me, quite a lot actually.

    And it's nice, I guess. He's been with a lot of girls and he said he's gotten a lot of compliments on his skills. And maybe it was amazing for them, but it's just 'alright' for me. Like, I can barely feel anything most of the time.

    I feel like he has yet to figure out what works for me, but I'm getting impatient because we've been together for almost a year.

    I just wanna know what tips I could give him, like what do you do to girls?

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • What to wear to New Years eve college party?

    It's not at a college, it's just a bunch of college friends hanging out and drinking. It's nothing formal or anything.

    I was thinking about wearing a dressier top with jeans?

    But then, what if my top is too dressy? Idk. I'm just...lost.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend wants dreadlocks?

    He is so dead-set on getting them because he loves how they look and what they express. It really upsets him that no one else is on his side about his decision on this, but I have good reasons not to be:

    1. he is 19 years old.

    2. he doesn't have a job.

    3. he still lives with his mom.

    He has been trying to get a job, just not hard enough...clearly--since he doesn't have one. And I can't seem to make him understand that no one would take him seriously if he got dreadlocks, and that it'd be sooo much harder to get a job because of them.

    So, FOR HIS OWN GOOD, how can I get it through to him that this is not the best decision for right now, or his future??

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend made a comment about my small boobs?

    I am 18 years old, and I have almost a completely flat chest. When I was younger, I was reallyyy insecure about it. But I learned the advantages of small breasts and, it took me a long time, but I eventually learned to love my little boobs. Sure, sometimes I think about wanting them at least a little bigger, but I'm overall happy with them.

    Anyway, back to the comment he made....A few months ago, my boyfriend was talking about his plans to become a nurse and then move his way up to a plastic surgeon. He mentioned that he'd give me some new boobs when he became one. This didn't really bother me.

    But the other night, we were wrestling over the tv remote, and he elbowed me in the boob, so I was like, "Oww, you hit my boob." And he said, "What boob?" And I laughed it off and shoved him, but it's been on my mind ever since.

    He always tells me that he loves every part of my body, but then why would he make comments like that? It took me a long time to get comfortable with the size of my chest, and these little comments here and there are making me feel insecure again.

    How can I lightly bring up the subject and make him stop saying things like this?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is pushing me away?

    I am 18 and my boyfriend is 19. Lately I've had a hard time trusting him staying faithful to me because he parties a lot. I started pushing him away because of this, but he didn't give up and we talked it out. I was good and I thought he was good too, until today. He is barely texting me, and I tried calling him and asking why he was being so short with me, but he hardly talked.

    He wrote something on his blog right after we got off the phone, and he says he can feel himself pushing me away because he doesn't know how else to react about what we've been fighting about recently. In his blog entry he says, "I just need you to show me you're gonna fight back, like I did."

    I don't know what else to do other than try to call him and get him to talk, but I doubt that'll work because he never talks about how he's feeling.

    What can I say to get him to stop pushing me away?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Dream about my boyfriend and I getting our own place?

    I am 18 and my boyfriend is 19. We haven't been dating very long, just a few months, but I had a dream about us moving in together. But not just into an apartment. We were moving into an actual house.

    We were unloading everything and we had just set up our bed, then laid down and i said to him, "can you believe it? this place is ours. just yours and mine." and we started laughing.

    Does this mean that I still see him being a part of my life a long time from now and being married to him? I don't know. It was intriguing to me. What else could it mean?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is a good kisser, but sometimes he slobbers a little?

    Before anyone thinks this is like some middle schooler asking for kissing advice, I'll mention that I am 18 and my boyfriend is 19.

    So, last night, I was dropping him off at his friend's apartment, and he went in to kiss me, like usual. But he started getting into it more and more, and we started making out. I'm fine with that because he's a good French kisser. I just have trouble with when he kisses me regularly.

    He parts his lips way too much for regular kissing, and when I pull away, I have his spit all around my mouth and I try to casually turn away and wipe it off, but I'm getting sick of it. I want to say something, but he is completely cocky with his kissing skills. He often says, "I know the way I kiss you turns you on." And, it does, but not when my face is slobbered on, ha.

    Should I say something about it? And if so, how should I approach it? I was thinking about not saying anything critical, but just tell him more of what I like. Know what I mean? Like, I looove when he kisses me hard. It's so intense. So, when we're kissing, should I just pull away and be like, "I love when you kiss me hard." ?

    I don't know. What should I do?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am a jealous girlfriend?

    I guess jealous isn't really the right word. Maybe p i s s ed. But not at him...I get upset with these girls.

    My boyfriend and I have been together for a while and we have a great relationship, but he gets hit on all the time. Girls are constantly talking to him saying he should leave me and go to them and he'll get late night texts saying, "Come over." And it's not like he's disregarding my feelings, because he always reassures me that I'm the only girl for him.

    He's very honest with me and will tell me when he gets a text or call from some girl so I don't find it later and think he's cheating. But I get incredibly p i s s e d off at these girls, like I could smash their face with a brick.

    I'm not insecure. I know he wouldn't cheat, but it makes no sense to me. I can't help how I feel. But I guess I just don't understand why I get upset when I hear about these girls talking to him, even though I know he wouldn't do anything?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How often do you use the word 'janky'?

    My friends Matt and Ricky use it every other word, seems like.

    "That's janky."

    "You janky."

    It was funny at first, but now I'm getting so sick of it!

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Dream about tranquilizing grizzly bears?

    I was in a forest with three men just walking along.

    Suddenly grizzlies started coming out of nowhere. They weren't racing toward us or anything, they were just meandering along.

    I turned around to ask the guys what to do, but they were gone and their tranquilizer guns were on the ground. At this point, I picked up the tranquilizer gun and decided to shoot all the grizzlies with them, even though they were calm and gentle.

    After they were all lying on the forest floor and it was dead quiet, I felt so bad, like I had killed them instead of tranquilized them.

    What could all of this mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • i want to stop being a prude?

    so, i'm 18. i liked this guy. we started going on dates. he asked me to be his girlfriend about a week ago. we've hung out a lot since then.

    and here's my problem: i can't kiss him.

    i want to, but every time i get out of his car, and he goes for it, i hop out and say, "i had a good time! goodnight!" and walk into my house, and then get frustrated with myself.

    he's spoken to me about it, and i told him that i like to take things slow. which is a total lie.

    i'm old enough to make my own decisions, and i wouldn't mind going further with him once we've been dating for a while...but i cannot seem to kiss him.

    i've not had much experience with kissing, but it's pretty basic: lips meet and that's that. i want so badly to get over this so i can show him how i feel! how do i stop being a prude?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • quotes about wanting to be with/missing someone you were just with?

    i was just with this guy for 5 hours, and then i had to go, but i wish i was still with him.

    are there any quotes about that. i tried Google, but it didn't give me anything really relevant.

    2 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • how to ask relatives for money?

    this isn't a "i'm broke, and i need money from my family" question.

    here's some info: i'm graduating this year, and instead of a grad party, i opted to take a trip instead. where? i'm not sure yet, but i'm going to stay inside the united states.

    my mom's problem with this was that, when you have a grad party, people come and bring envelopes with checks or cash for you, and she's not sure that people would send them through the mail. basically, no party=no money.

    i'm definitely going on the trip though, so i was thinking...they don't HAVE to come to my graduation, but id still like (and NEED) the money. so, what's the proper/polite way to ask for money on the invite?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago

    I did.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • School jipped me out of community service hours?

    i am a high school senior and i work 5-6 days a week after school from 3-9pm. my school requires that students get 50 hours of community service to graduate.

    in the free time i had, i volunteered for 30 hours, over the course of two months, to organize files and what not in a big company's office.

    when i turned the slip into the office at my school, our assistant principal told me i could not volunteer at an all-profit company.

    however, as long as i volunteered my time, no matter where, shouldn't that count?

    there was a long conversation about it, and my assistant principal gave the argument, "you can't do volunteer work for something that people would normally pay someone for."

    but isn't that the whole point of volunteering? that people DON'T have to pay for the work that is done?

    and cutting grass, mowing yards, working a game at a fair or festival, etc, is all considered community service and yet, those are also jobs that people would normally pay someone to do.

    am i right? how do i argue this and get my 30 hours to count?

    4 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Do you prefer to sleep in a warm or cool room?

    I like to have it roughly 67-68 degrees with a comforter and extra blanket on top.

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • He stopped talking to me out of the blue?

    Out of all my guy friends, i'm closest to one. we text everyday, talk everyday, etc.

    last week, i told him something really personal about myself (nothing gross or sexual), and he said that it upset him because it upset me...if that makes sense.

    and, as of today, he hasn't talked to me for the past four days. i'm not sure if i should say something to him. he avoids me at school, so i tried texting him and he said that he "has been busy." I asked him what he'd been busy doing, i didn't get a reply, and i haven't heard from him since.

    what do you think is going on? (We've dated before, like two years ago, if this is of any importance.)

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago