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Lv 4
? asked in Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 1 decade ago

How can the space between galaxies be expanding?

The origin of the universe occurred approximately 13.7 billion years ago, when the explosion of the Big Bang happened. The force of this explosion not only heated up matter, but made everything start getting away from each other. As millions of years passed, the universe slowed down in expansion, galaxies were formed, and stars and satellites of these objects were the inhabitants of the galaxies. My question is, if matter in the universe moved away from other matter, how can space be expanding? (Note: Consider the expansion of space as stretching taffy, and then you will probably understand what I am trying to convey.)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First we must accept that Universe is 4 dimensional (the simple model for the purpose of discussion here) and 'time' being one.

    It (Universe) is like a balloon that is being blown (filled with air) and is expanding. Assuming it to be spherical expansion implies its radiaus is increasing with time. Hence radius is the 'time' axis. Normal Earthly balloon is 3 dimensional and the surface is 2 dimensional. For the balloon of Universe (4 D) the surface is actually a hyper surface of 3 dimensions, the physical world that we are all familiar with. If we mark dots (with ink) on the surface, and call them 'galaxies', we find that the distance between the dots increasing when the balloon expands. I think this is the model that is appropriate.

    It also explains the location of the center of Universe at any point of time. This question gets asked many times in Y!A.

    Source(s): George Gamow's quartet (of books), that I read five decades ago.
  • cosmo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The answer to your question is not really known, and here's why:

    In classical General Relativity, space has no substance. There are "spacetime events", points in spacetime where something particular is happening at a certain place and time in spacetime. And the distance between spacetime events, in time and in space, can be defined and determined. So the spacetime events exist in a geometry, and that geometry is governed by the dynamics of the Einstein Field Equations. In the context of General Relativity, we can state that the separation between galaxies is getting larger with time, and we can say that this means "space is expanding", but that statement is vacuous (pardon the pun). There's nothing that's getting bigger.

    Now, in Quantum Field Theory, space is not "nothing". Space is filled with fields, and those fields have some energy even in the lowest energy state. So making more space requires making more fields. But that's about as far as we've gotten---things get very fuzzy in terms of theoretical explanations in "Quantum Gravity", and there is no prediction or understanding of "Dark Energy", which seems to be a part of space. Quantitatively, there's no way to connect the expectations of quantum fields with the amount of "Dark Energy", although string theorists have been trying hard for more than a decade. So you see, your question is at the forefront of current research in physics.

  • 1 decade ago

    The expansion is actually accelerating. It seems that space itself has a tendency to expand. It's got something to do with the negative pressure of vacuum energy, quantum fluctuations, virtual particles, and such. The energy that drives the expansion of the universe is also called Dark Energy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because as the universe expands the three large spacial dimensions that we encounter every day are also expanding. Space is not infinite according to some theories, it apparently has an edge and as time goes on from one perspective the space dimension is still expanding while others believe it is shrinking. But in your question if you believe it is expanding it is because of the dimensions.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    that is a few ingredient all individuals want to be attentive to. Is section fairly a balloon. How is the balloon inflated and what could desire to be the clarification. This balloon is weighted down on the sheet produced from section fabrics and curving section. If section is seen no longer something it may then be logical to end =no longer something expands or curves. . at diverse hand if section grew to advance into into fairly a substance that at one time grew to advance into into called the Aether . as a result making section as an actually shape having restrains at its gravity boundary,then that could desire to desire to describe the clarification of action. as a result it may be the celestial bodies that are increasing their radius vector, fairly than section increasing. If that is authentic than the upward push of galaxies is important to maintain gravitational equilibrium indoors the Universe. some Galaxies have been stated as in conserving with cosmology to recede from the earth at close to to elementary velocities. in spite of the reality that, as in conserving with Einstein relativity theory no complicated mass shape can bypass speedier than the fee of light. initially it grew to advance into into Einstein that posited that it grew to advance into authentic right into a Cosmological consistent that grew to advance into into in touch to maintain the Universe in equilibirum as a finite conservative a result a Universe that grew to advance into into created and cocooned some the region indoors Heaven that is our author's section. .as a result, the dilemma maintains to be =is section increasing like a balloon or are galaxies increasing indoors a constricted balloon.that's the question to be an increasing balloon or to no longer be an increasing balloon.

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