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MJ fans : guys i wanna share with you somethings!?

click and look at this link! you'll know michael jackson was the victim of the illuminati.

im not mean to insult him, but read and understand all of it! you do all know that i love him so much! and i know that you guys also love him so much. but did this ever come across your mind? im so sorry for him, ;'(

i hate his father : joe jackson. < after you read this link then you'll understand why im saying like that> please guys just try to open your eyes..please.


Jack H@ did you understand or not?! i said " MJ fans :" i did not said everybody d*mmit!

Update 2:

Michael Jackson Roxxs My World@ thanx for your comment on that ignorant person! i love you forever more !

Update 3:

Question Guy@ yeah, i realised the messages contain in the "will you be there" but not so clear and about remember the time...thanx to you! now i know the messages! and thanx for the link too!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmmm... maybe. But the first article speaks of Michael as though he actually did molest kids, which he didn't. Nothing was ever found to prove him, even though the jury consisted of people who were particularly keen on convicting him (maybe illuminati members?). They obviously had to ahve found nothing for him to be proved innocent. SOme of the things sounded a bit out there as well, such as each Jackson 5 member being raped before a show. I hope that wasn't true. I really hope the illuminati don't exist :(

    I'm not sure if I believe all of this, I don't want to believe it.

    <3 Michael

  • Jack H are you stupid? did you not read her question, the first two words are... "MJ FANS", so if your not an MJ fan fk off and don't answer it you idiot, like can you read? or do you really have nothing better to do? anyways don't worry imlostforspeechless i know you love him, it could be true but i still don't always wanna trust the media.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is more proof that he was a victim of the Illuminati:

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