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Mormons ONLY: Is this article true about you?

Please, respectful answers from Mormons. I want to know if this article accurately depicts your beliefs?

14 Answers

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer



    you are mistaken - check again.

    this may shed some light on that for is not a great link as it is a response to a critical dvd but maybe you will understand more of how the LDS view that after....

  • sutter
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    magazine of Discourses are no longer doctrine. BTW, shrink and paste. Very imaginitive! I left those that I wasn't particular the thank you to respond to on the time. in case you have any questions, be at liberty to email me. Glade already have been given the 1st one, so will leave it on my own. He did a reliable interest. secret Mormon ceremony? We have self belief they have numerous the actuality, yet that we've all of it. He did, yet bumped off His Gospel from the earth as guy became into distorting it. style of, yet we can nonetheless worship God. We have self belief in different gods, yet worship the only God, Heavenly Father. the place in the Bible does Jesus say he's God? Please keep in mind the deepest interpretation ability that i would not examine it a similar way you do. i will see how that would confuse you. i'm unsure the thank you to describe it. Bible isn't even quite all that sparkling on the difficulty. One e book says which you do no longer % works and yet another says you do. We have self belief that they are non secular brothers. we don't understand if Jesus became right into a polygamist or no longer. The Bible would not say, despite if some theory that at one time, it is not a coaching. First sentence, actual; next, no longer. Salvation and Exaltation are distinctive. As I understand, you could income Salvation without believing in what Joseph Smith taught, yet no longer Exaltation. we don't understand if He got here to the US or no longer. we don't understand the place the Nephites and Lamanites have been.

  • 1 decade ago

    The “different Christ” thing has come up before, but only by those who don’t know any actual Mormons. Of course we don’t have a different Christ. “Our” Christ is the one in the Bible, the Son of God, our Savior, and the only means by which we can return to God after this life is over. How does that make Him different than any other version?

    The author of that article tried to make a point about Christ by saying that if he claimed Christ was born in Japan, he’d be teaching a different Christ. I sort of get where he’s going with that, but it doesn’t really apply, because we’ve never claimed Christ’s birthplace was any different than the one given in the Bible. We agree with everything the Bible teaches of Him, so what’s the problem?

    The article goes on to complain about our view of God, but the view given isn’t ours in the first place. We absolutely do not teach that every person born on earth was first born to one of God’s multiple wives…because since when do we even teach that God HAS multiple wives? That’s just silly.

    I’m not going to bother with the rest, because this article has already proven so inaccurate as to not be worth the effort. The writer clearly doesn’t have any actual understanding of our doctrines, and I’m not going to waste my time discussing beliefs that aren’t even mine.

    Though for the record, this isn't a criticism of you. Just the article.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mormons do not have a different Christ.

    Do you believe in a different Christ?

    Do the writers of this article have a different Christ?

    Mormon is a nickname for THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints. Therefor Mormons believe in the true Christ by definition.

    The true Jesus Christ said to live Jesus Christ's commandments. He did not say preach excuses like grace, procrastination, or death bed repentance, or indulgences (where a person can pay to have their evil deeds forgiven by God, or can have another person whipped for their sins) or any other such dark ages nonsense.

    Jesus Christ was honest and true, and forthright, and Mormons believe Christ's true gospel of real repentance 100%.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't read all of it, but as is the case with nearly all anti-religious material (regardless of which religion it targets) it seems to pull small pieces out of context and then attempts to interpret it for you so you don't have to think about it.

    No, it doesn't represent my religion and the "facts" that it produces are pulled out of context and twisted. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, he who was crucified and rose again the third day. Only through the power of the atonement (which consists of Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and the crucifixion on the cross) can we obtain forgiveness of our sins.

    If you really want to see what we Mormons believe, I recommend looking at . It's the churches official site for people wanting to learn more.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is no. Why? Because it's speculation. Some mormons believe those things, and some don't. In fact, I'm gathering that most mormon theology at the moment is just all regarded as speculation, minus a few core things.

    The portion about the priesthood however, is correct. The mormon restoration of these priesthoods are without any logical authority whatsoever. And there is no resemblance between the mormon priesthoods, and the ones mentioned in the bible. Otherwise known as an abomination of priesthood practices. There is no authority whatsoever in the mormon church to bring these back, pass them on to others, or even practice them, period.

  • 1 decade ago

    Apparently some people missed the part that says "Mormons ONLY", and "respectful answers from Mormons".

    To answer the question: short answer: no. There are tidbits here and there that are true (such as when it says we believe Jesus and Lucifer were brothers), but the article consists mostly of lies or misinterpretations of our true doctrine.

    We believe that Jesus is not God, but is the Son of God. God is who we call "Heavenly Father", or as some call him "God the Father". Jesus was fathered by Heavenly Father, and mothered by Mary. We believe in His birth, ministry, and death as it is told in the Bible, as well as in the Book of Mormon. The verses that are listed that are said to prove that Jesus "has always been God" do not actually say such, at least in the King James Version that we teach from - the version we believe is most accurate.

    We do not believe God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to be one god, nor do we believe them to be three gods. Heavenly Father is the only one who is God. Jesus is His son, and the Holy Spirit is the spirit God uses to reach down to His children on Earth. As far as there being other Gods before Heavenly Father, the article is correct in saying that we believe that. There were, are, and will be gods of other worlds, including the world we believe our Heavenly Father was once part of. However, we only worship our own Heavenly Father (god of our world) as our God, thus making us monotheistic.

    As far as the virgin birth argument goes, yes, we believe Jesus was conceived by the POWER of the Holy Ghost. Further, we also believe, as is quoted by Brigham Young, that Jesus was NOT conceived by the Holy Ghost himself. Jesus was conceived by Heavenly Father through the power of the Holy Ghost. Just like you can write a poem, but you can't do it without a writing utensil (let's say a pencil for now). So YOU write the poem by the POWER of the pencil. It doesn't mean the pencil wrote the poem. You are still the one writing the poem; you are just using the power of the pencil to accomplish the writing. Same deal as far as Jesus' conception goes. And just for the record, we do NOT believe that Heavenly Father came down in person to have sex with Mary. Let's just get that straight now. It was by the power of the Holy Ghost.

    There are way too many other arguments for me to answer them all here. If there are specific ones you have questions about, feel free to email me and I will be only too happy to answer them for you.

    Source(s): LDS all 21 years of my life.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's all bullcrap. Someone just took truth about the Mormon church and twisted it to sound like the Mormons don't preach correct doctrine about Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you really care to know the answer to that, visit There you will learn what the LDS church believes about Jesus Christ.

    The answer to your question is NO, but learn for yourself, form your own opinion.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    they also say/teach/believe Jesus and satan were brothers, and they fought over which would come to earth and die for man's sins.

    each mormon male at death, gets his own planet and as many women (wives) he wants to keep PG for eternity. so mormon women, guess what ya gonna do for eternity?

    No mormon, Christian that studied religious cults.

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