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Lv 5
Remdog asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

socialization time/age sensitive?

Can you socialize a dog at any age? Is there a socialization-sensitive period? Can you propoerly socialize an awkward or reactive dog? Thoughts?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, you can socialize a dog at any age. In fact, the best socialization begins while puppies are still with their dams. A good breeder begins handling her puppies gently and early just as their eyes begin to open, giving them a positive association with human touch. As they get a little older (five to six weeks) they should start meeting more humans who feed them treats and pet them gently. The breeder will need to supervise these interactions closely, as rough handling at this stage can have the opposite effect, teaching the puppies that humans aren't safe to be around.

    The Mother dog's attitude is important at this stage, too. If she is aggressive towards humans, or even just stressed about her puppies being handled, the puppies can register her attitude. If the Mother dog is calm and relaxed around humans, her puppies are more likely to be, too.

    By the time a puppy is weaned at seven to eight weeks, he should already have a positive worldview programmed into his little puppy brain. When someone selects a puppy from a litter, whether at a breeder's home or at a shelter ― or if that person is picking one from a box of free puppies on a street corner ― that person must choose wisely. That person must resist the temptation to rescue the puppy who hides in the corner. That person should select the puppy who is outgoing without being overbearing ― the one who seems to have a cheerful, "Life is good!" attitude instead.

    Once someone has adopted a friendly puppy with a sound temperament, that person must continue her puppy's socialization lessons assiduously until he is sixteen weeks old, and then maintain his positive association to the world throughout his life. If that person simply just keeps a well-socialized eight-week-old puppy inside of their home with no outside exposure, the odds are good that the person will end up with a problem when the puppy matures.

    When socializing a puppy, the most important thing to keep in mind is to control the circumstances so that the experience remains positive for the puppy. When introducing a puppy to children, for example, the owner of the puppy should put her body between her puppy and any overeager, rambunctious kids until she has a chance to tell the kids how they must behave if they want to meet her puppy.

    When I started socializing my German Shepherd puppy, I keep an actual written list of his socialization exposures, with a goal of a minimum of one new exposure per day.

    Yes, you can also properly socialize an "awkward" or reactive dog as long as the owner of the dog has a solid understanding of counter-conditioning and desensitization, and is committed to practicing these methods with her dog every single day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best time to socialise a dog is - as young as possible. Even when they are 4-6 weeks old, they will be playing with their brothers & sisters and momma dog will be teaching them to play nice. THis is why it is important to NOT take puppies away from the litter too early.

    If you have a puppy that has NOT yet had all it's shots & been fully immunized, please make sure that any other dog it comes into contact with is up-to-date on it's own shots.

    Otherwise, when the puppy has completed it's course of shots (usually 12-14 weeks) it is a good idea to socialise the pup with other CALM FRIENDLY dogs as much as possible.

    If you have a dog that has any behaviour problems (excited, aggressive, fearful, nervous) then learn what triggers the bad behaviour, learn the warning signs so you can intervene quickly & give correction/discipline, and try to introduce other dogs that will NOT trigger any awkward reaction.

    If you have an old dog that doesn't get along with other dogs at all, you may want to think about how easy it is just to leave the situation and avoid other dogs, rather than stress the old dog out by trying to teach it to play nicely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes you can socialize a dog at any age. They are better to be socialized at a very young age but it is possible to do it at any age with constant time and training. Before introducing the dog to any new people or animals that it would react to make sure you take him/her for a long walk on a leash to exercise not only their body but their brain. You need to be the dogs pack leader and once that connection is established the dog will understand that you are in lead and if you say its ok then its ok

  • 12345
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    From what I have read, there are certain, fairly static socialization periods. For example, if a dog is not introduced to humans during a certain few weeks in early life, they will never become completely comfortable with them. Like other temperament issues, it can be improved, but the dog will never be "normal".

    Sorry answer is short, in a rush.

    Check out books by Stanley Coren. He cover a lot o this.


    I only glanced that site. Checking it out more doesn't really give the info I wanted.


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  • 1 decade ago


    depends on dog and how good you are


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