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is anybody else getting this problem on youtube?

whenever i load something then make it full screen accidentally when i click it twice everything i loaded goes away and i have to load it again. it's really annoying since i'm using a laptop and i sometimes double-click without knowing.

and another question, where do i go to ask for youtube to remove the double-click for full screen thing, if the loading part is just part of the programing?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your making it fullscreen, it shouldn't reload, but if you double click it will automatically reload. All you can do is try not to double click really.

    However, if you're changing to 480p the video has to reload because the normal format runs on a different bandwidth.

  • Ayush
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    None is having such problem

    don't double click to go to full screen just click the button on bottom right corner to get the fullscreen

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i'm. And if the video clips do artwork, the audio will play however the demonstrate screen would be caught of the 1st physique of the video. So someone would be speaking, yet i'm getting a nonetheless physique of a guy along with his mouth putting open.

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