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to kill a mockingbird questions?

describe the radleys, especially boo.

describe jem's attitude toward scout on her first day of school

what two academic things that scout does annoys miss caroline?

how does scout come to the rescue of walter cunningham over the problem of lunch money?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Radley's are reclusive, mysterious, and through the children's eyes scary. Dill finds them intriguing, especially Boo since he in particular is the victim of terrible rumours.

    Jem doesn't want people at school to find out that him and Scout play together, so he asks her not to mention their re enactment games.

    Scout can read well, and she embarrasses the teacher by telling her that Walter does not accept money from anyone.

    Scout tells the teacher that Walter is proud, and that he doesn't want to accept money from anyone. He would never bring his lunch, but he would also never accept something from anyone that he couldn't pay back.

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