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Are there any other democrats that are completely disgusted with Obama?

The health care bill was a fiasco.

The war in Afghanastan was escalated despite Obama being told by numerous generals that it is unwinnable and is destabilizing the region.

My final gripe is the fact that Obama and his administration worked with republicans to kill the Bush torture probe.

As a moderate democrat, I am completely disgusted with Obama and I refuse to to vote for him in 2012.

Anyone else feel the same?


Like many of you, I used to be an Obama apologetic. Obama is likely better than McCain and definately Palin, but he is not the Wonder President he led us to believe he would be.

The option is that we let him take another term, torture and war crimes will continue to be ignored, the "patriot" act is extended, and more people are killed in fruitless wars.

Anyone who was outraged at Bush for his war crimes should not be taking this lightly.

Update 2:

The wikileaks is a non issue to me. From what I've read of the cables, there is nothing that poses a security risk. The majority of the other countries have agreed. The documents were redacted before they were published so that any true risk was removed. So far, the only "threat" it has posed, is for those who have acted in illegal methods, then they could be at risk for investigation. Particulary, Hillary Clinton, which some of the cables seem to show that she engaged in or ordered acts of espionage.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How can you say the Health Care Act is a fiasco when it has only just begun and runs through 2018?

    The generals told Obama they could finish the job sooner with more troops.

    I agree on lack of inquiry into the torture memos. The British also conspired with the U.s. to cover up all the illegal things we did. That is in the Wikileaks docs.

    But since you are on his side, if you dont vote again, the Republicans will win. I swore I would either leave the country and never vote after 2000, and again in 2004 but there is no alternative.

    I think Wikileaks revelations should be a wake up call to Americans just how deceitful our government is and how they are demagogues and spending money on the military to conquer the world. I think Julian Assange is a hero because thats the job of investigative reporting, to uncover the truth for the public about their government.

    I am disillusioned with his graciousness and civility instead of swallowing those lying Repubs alive. He should switch places with the slippery Secretary of State. She is a warlord. Obama is a diplomat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let us know when you wise up to the fact Representative govt puppet-mastered by the wealthy elites is the real problem, which means we need legislative rule & control in the direct hands of the citizens. It's NOT one person it's the entire system structure.

    Do you really expect people to believe you are able to use your think box with this type of question?

    Or will you never ever be able to see the whole picture correctly? Obama like the other candidates who run for this office are planted by insiders for their skills & abilities to lie or appease the public while all the dirty legislation is taken place in congress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only Democrats that have reason to be "disgusted" with Obama are those that were left too poor by that last guy to invest, and those who simply lack sufficient patriotism to invest in US of a moment or two ago, the Dow Jones (which LOST 23.7% under Bush) was UP 37.1% since Obama took office...

    Which kind of Democrat are you? The kind that Bush bankrupted? Or the kind that just lacks patriotism?

    Source(s): Under Mr. Bush, the Dow Jones Industrial Index went from 10,860 in 2001 when he was elected to 8,279 in Jan 2009 when his Presidency ended, an impressive decline of 23.7%. Under Obama, it has gone from 8,279 to 11,351 as of moments ago, a gain of 3072 points, or 37.1%
  • 1 decade ago

    Me too! I want to start by saying I did not vote for Obama to start with. I saw the writing on the wall. I even crossed over to the Republican side. Take this wikileaks issue, It has been in the news for months now and where was Obama? He was out campaigning for his democrat buddies instead of trying to get control over this national security issue!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You forgot to mention the moratorium on off shore oil drilling that will kill 1,000's of jobs. Along with the tax cuts expiring, this is going to really hurt. Also, votes for the extension of unemployment on the line is in the mix. Doesn't really look too good.

  • 1 decade ago

    He had to stop the probe. It is a dangerous precedent to start investigating presidents once they leave office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not completely disgusted. Think of the option!

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