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Serious Bible Q's get thumbs Down. Why?

Every time someone asks a serious question about the bible or Christian beliefs, Atheists will come around giving rude comments and not answering the question like "Why does it matter its a fairy tale" or something like that, and that gets 10 thumbs up, but it doesn't answer the question at all, which is a reportable violation.

And then a Christian will come along giving the true answer, and maybe a few bible quotes here and there, but they get thumbs down?

It happens even if they are giving an accurate answer to a question someone may have about the Bible or Christianity.

Its not really the thumbs down, it just seems like the deserving people who actually ANSWER the question aren't getting any credit. What are your thoughts on this?


Its All Solar: I'm sorry you couldn't glean the meaning of the post.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are probably as many reasons for doing such things as there are people that do it.

    Some probably think it is cute. Some probably think that they are somehow helping the world by degrading religion and Christianity in particular. Some do it just to make others annoyed to somehow make their own little worthless lives somehow seem important. But mostly it seems to be just a sign of the physical and mental maturity level of many of the people we find on yahoo answers.

    Some of the stuff is annoying, but as the saying goes just consider the source, for as it was said about another group many many years ago, "they know not what they do."

    Or perhaps Romans 1:22 sums it up best: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools:

    Though I would really recommend reading Romans 1:19-32 it pretty much describes the society that we have around us today.

    It would be nice if we could get some of the people to understand what it is they are really doing and the ramifications of those actions. Unfortunately it is very difficult to do or explain much of anything with a closed and locked door (mind).

    All I can suggest is just keep doing what you know in your soul is right and with the ones that are doing the annoying things just "shake off the dust of your feet" and move on.

    May Our Lord watch over you and your family.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like many things in this universe, the actual uses we find for things are not at all what the designer had in mind.

    Everybody has an opinion. That's life. We don't all have to agree. It would be nice if folks remembered their manners, but meh, its the internet, so a lot of people are not themselves at all.

    The only thumbs thing that really bothers me is the thumbs down on opinion questions. Like really, how can you say a person is wrong when only they know if it's their real opinion or not.

    Its a public forum, you need a thick skin if you want to participate or you'll just end up stressed out. It actually took me a while to figure that out. A lot of Q&A got to me when I first started coming here. Now I just tune out the stuff I find to be crap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People are simplistic thinkers- they only believe that that confirms what they already believe. A lot of the time it is egotism- they believe Jesus Christ our saviour is on the same par as Santa Claus and that is it. People like to think they are logical and clever and think witty remarks make them so. How can anything make sense to us regarding Gods will- we are not God, but He is capable of anything so even if the stories in the bible seem miracualous; well isn't God capable to anything He wants with His creation?

    I think it has been from the 18th century that a lot of people simply rule out God from their life because it seems illogical. There are a lot of groups that support atheisim nowadays.

    Jesus was a great speaker- He spoke the truth... no orator in Roman times could have matched His... No philosopher or Orator. He stands alone as the greatest man to have ever lived.... His words unparalleled. No ordinary man could have wrote this- these words are from God only!

    See the problem is we use logic knowadays. They believe it wise to believe only what you see- to learn through experience- is it not wiser to learn from the experiences of others? And thus this is the logical approach taken; but this is simplistic thinking- not logical thinking; this is biased- not objective thinking, Jesus said Judge not that ye not be judged.

    I must admit the lack of faith- and quick judgement is not something to be proud of- is not funny neither is it intellectual. I don't think atheists are better than Christians or vice versa- I just think ones faith is not a laughing matter and shouldn't be criticised in any shape or form.

    For those who don't believe- there is ample evidence of Jesus Christ- Good program called What heaven looks like on YouTube, Archaelogical evidence, and messengers of Christ nowadays. Don't be quick to judge....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because most 'serious bible questions' here could be answered with a simple google or biblegateway search, or else they're thinly disguised rants. However, believe it or not, I give actual informative answers to bible questions on occasion when I don't think the asker is being outrageously lazy or cynically bigoted about the correctness of their own position.

    Also, I will occasionally rebut atheists for misrepresenting Christian positions. However, I perceive atheists to be more rhetorically fair and honest than Christians in general. The tendency of Christians to be rhetorically duplicitous is one of the things that led me to question and ultimately reject the validity of that faith.

    Source(s): Agnostic atheist. Former evangelical seminarian.
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  • 1 decade ago

    When we see these things faithful & true Christians, this is a time of rejoicing. For we know that the end of times as we know it is near. Those who ridicule & claim to be Christian but prove false by going contrary to biblical truths & adopting creeds of men; woe to you. This is a prophecy being fulfilled. All who want to search for truth can read 2 Peter 3:1-9.

    Source(s): the bible
  • Well, come take a look at atheists' serious questions, Christian report monkeys and blind thumb-downers are all over there

    There are bunches of brainless and offensive theist answers get >10 thumbs up

    Don't think that you're the only one get bullied by trolls

  • 1 decade ago

    It should not come as a surprise to you. There are countless examples of this in our everyday life, and in history. It is a combination of ignorance, dishonesty and arrogance. The person is either not up to the question, or knows the answer is against him, but he is too arrogant to "lose", so he resorts to such dishonest methods. Dishonesty, nowadays, is in the very air we breathe. These are tactics common to spoiled children, and we live in a nation of children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians don't think with their heads. They think with a book page.

    That's the reason. When it comes to arguing, they just post a quote, because they can't really argue.

    Next time I'm going to ask: Prove the existence of an atom. I'd like to see those "so true bible quotes" answering that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sweety it happens to everyone. I've received 20 TD's just for answering a "Are you Christian, atheist,...whatever? question with "atheist". I just laugh about it because the thumbs mean nothing.

    Maybe you should take off your blinders, curb the persecution complex, and see what's actually going on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In case you haven't noticed, this is the year 2010. The superstitious rantings of ignorant people from 2000 years ago have little relevance in a modern society, and the mindless ranting of people today who insist on ignoring all the advances of thinking minds since then are easily dismissed.

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