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  • WHY!? do atheists come to r&s & then complain that they are being confronted?

    All they do is say "no" to anything offered. Atheists why are you searching Religion & Spirituality Q's? Doesn't your very presence here make you agnostic?

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Tamar question got deleted??!! GGRRR!?

    That was not an offensive question (& I am going to answer it!)

    Tamar is not a good example of rape because she WANTED to conceive. Which is why she dressed like a harlot & fooled the patron.

    Genesis Chapter 38: 1-30.

    Why did it get deleted?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, is there any reason that you might "leave" a church?

    Not questioning my faith. I am happy with my church. But I didn't EVER go back to a church that had a teen male visitor who was dressed shabby: jeans with holes in the knees & a band t-shirt on, long hair & an earing. When an usher noticed the kid (maybe 16) he got red in theface & told him to leave & put on some "decent clothes before coming into God's house". That kid is probably atheist today.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Serious Bible Q's get thumbs Down. Why?

    Every time someone asks a serious question about the bible or Christian beliefs, Atheists will come around giving rude comments and not answering the question like "Why does it matter its a fairy tale" or something like that, and that gets 10 thumbs up, but it doesn't answer the question at all, which is a reportable violation.

    And then a Christian will come along giving the true answer, and maybe a few bible quotes here and there, but they get thumbs down?

    It happens even if they are giving an accurate answer to a question someone may have about the Bible or Christianity.

    Its not really the thumbs down, it just seems like the deserving people who actually ANSWER the question aren't getting any credit. What are your thoughts on this?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Absence of evidence is evidence of absence, therefore no god?

    What about those of us WITH unexplainable testimonies about our experiences or things we've seen, that we give credit to God for being: miracles.

    Isn't your argument tantamount with: "Ugh-uh."?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • repairing a cow fence: can it be dog proof?

    I'm the new neighbor in "town". I have a giant shepard/lab mix & he discovered my neighbors cows. I want to be good neighbors. In the month that I have lived here there have been cows in MY yard twice & walking down our dirt road once & a "neighbor" from 60 acres away on the closest dirt road to ours came to my house to complain of "my" cows being in her yard, again & she's tired of it. I explained that I think the old guy has some bad fencing & that I have only lived here a month & that they are not my cows.

    This morning "the old guy" was in my yard yelling that he was going to shoot my dog if he caught it in his pasture again tormenting his cows, that last year he lost three calves because of stray dogs & he wasn't gonna put up with it this year.

    I explained that I have only been here a month but I would put him on a chain today.

    I have the chain because we just moved from a small town ( I was technically in county, no leash law same as here but didn't want him shot). So now here we are in BFE dirt roads, VERY rural, southern GA, barely any neighbors & still my dog can't run around. (He can barely run anyway he's too fat, 50+lbs of kibble a month will do that)

    I want to help this guy. His fences have obviously been an issue for several years, they are completely non existent in some places. He is looking for someone to blame & I don't have Lex Luthors money or I would just fix his darn fence & let him be pleasantly surprised. I would love some suggestions. I can dig post holes, & tug & tie. What I don't know how to do is overcome the issue, his disposition & threats. I do not know the good old boy network here but have spoken to a few "neighbors" The guy who runs the feed store & the woman "next door" who knows he has had fence problems & that he is a very mean old man. They actually think this is funny.

    Help please.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Repairing pasture fence: can it be dog proof?

    I'm the new neighbor in "town". I have a giant shepard/lab mix & he discovered my neighbors cows. I want to be good neighbors. In the month that I have lived here there have been cows in MY yard twice & walking down our dirt road once & a "neighbor" from 60 acres away on the closest dirt road to ours came to my house to complain of "my" cows being in her yard, again & she's tired of it. I explained that I think the old guy has some bad fencing & that I have only lived here a month & that they are not my cows.

    This morning "the old guy" was in my yard yelling that he was going to shoot my dog if he caught it in his pasture again tormenting his cows, that last year he lost three calves because of stray dogs & he wasn't gonna put up with it this year.

    I explained that I have only been here a month but I would put him on a chain today.

    I have the chain because we just moved from a small town ( I was technically in county, no leash law same as here but didn't want him shot). So now here we are in BFE dirt roads, VERY rural, southern GA, barely any neighbors & still my dog can't run around. (He can barely run anyway he's too fat, 50+lbs of kibble a month will do that)

    I want to help this guy. His fences have obviously been an issue for several years, they are completely non existent in some places. He is looking for someone to blame & I don't have Lex Luthors money or I would just fix his darn fence & let him be pleasantly surprised. I would love some suggestions. I can dig post holes, & tug & tie. What I don't know how to do is overcome the issue, his disposition & threats. I do not know the good old boy network here but have spoken to a few "neighbors" The guy who runs the feed store & the woman "next door" who knows he has had fence problems & that he is a very mean old man. They actually think this is funny.

    Help please.

    3 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago
  • How much was your light bill last month?

    Mine was $303 & my usage was 2967 kilowatt hours. I would like to know how this compares to the rest of the country? world?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Question for 'outdoor dog' owners. We are moving & there is a dog house already there. How can I help him ...?

    How can I help him to adopt the dog house that is there? When we rescued him he was living (barely) at the county dumpsters & was emaciated, wormy, & maybe 20 lbs. Now, a year later he is taller on his hind legs than my 6ft husband. He is soo smart & obedient. I have had dogs all my life but this is the first time I have had one that lived inside. We are moving to a smaller house out in the country & it has a big dog house (more like a goat shed: its 5ftX8ft) so I know it will accommodate him. We rescued another dog who is 9 yrs old about four months ago she lived outside her entire life. (*Her life companion passed away from cancer & she gave up, stopped eating & wouldn't move. We took her in & kept her inside with Moe & now she acts like a puppy again.) They sleep together & flea each other. So he will not be alone.

    I would really like some advice on how to make the 'new' dog house HIS area.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Pro's & Con's of buying this car, PLEASE HELP?

    HELP please, I need Pro's & Con's of Buying this car?

    I have the opportunity to get '91 Cabriolet for $400 but my husband is worried we wont be able to sell & make a profit. I have told him that the lowest I have ever seen one for sale is for $2000 & that one had a damaged top & over 160K miles on it. This one is pretty & green with a white top. The owner just doesn't want it & isn't interested in making any money his parents bought it new in 91 but just recently gave it to him ( the guy I want to buy it from) & he says its a girly car & is selling it.

    I test drove it. It runs great. Its soo cute. I want to buy it & re-sale it at the closest college town but am not sure what to ask for the car. We are in GA. This seems like a great way to make money to me but please give me pros & cons of this deal.

    What do you guys ( & Gals) think?

    Additional Details

    Kelly Blue Book lists 91 VW cabriolet as $2995 in fair condition in my area. But not everybody goes by that.

    please give me Pro's & Con's

    Additional Details

    LOL!! Yes the owner has showed me the title. It is not stolen It is registered with temporary tags good for one month, Please give me pro's & con's for flipping this car!

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What are my rights? Landlord says neighbor's 10yr can't come to our house & play ....?

    My son is friends with & on the same baseball team as a neighbor's child. Our Landlord came over today & said that the boy down the road wasn't allowed to come over anymore because his dogs are vicious & dangerous. I have told them several times that his dogs are just big & totally harmless. She got kinda crappy with me & said I needed to talk to her husband about it then. I just don't think they can tell me who my son can play with or dictate who our company is at all. We live just outside city limits so there is no leash law in this area. The Owner has said that the neighbors dogs have charged at the maintenence man & they are in conflict with the neighbors up the road. We are fairly new to the neighborhood & get along with the neighbors, the maintenance man & the landlord but this is getting to be to much. The maintenance man actually lives closer to the neighbor than I do and if the dogs come to my house with the boy they are farther away from him than at their own house. I just want to know if I can tell my land lord that they are not gonna bring me not their mess. Or if I can say you cant tell me who I can have for company with my son. The neighbor's son is a good kid, he's homeschooled, on the little leauge baseball team, his adult brother coaches one of the teams & his dad coaches another & his mom is a painter/artist. They also own a family business: screen printing. They are not thugs or country trash, they seem to be really good people. What should I do tell my son that he can't play with his freind & teammate anymore because the landlord said so? That can't be legal. Someone help, please?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Composters: Why shouldn't I use meat scraps? or solid wastes?

    I have read a great deal about old farming and field style compost piles from "back in the day" & they all suggest manure & all Kitchen scraps. Why is it unpopular to use these items today?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Landlord wont fix bad drainage in rainy weather but wants to install extra phone jacks & cable connections.?

    This man, GRRR! When it rains our septic tank fills with water & we can't flush our toilets. When it rains here it rains for about 3 days at the time. so 2-3 days of filth sits in the toilets until they can be flushed! When they built this house (its a new construct) they didn't put any phone jacks or cable connections in the house. He just happened to be driving by when the "phone guy" was here and so he stopped & proceeded to tell the guy what HE wanted installed. The "phone guy" said "Did they order that because its not on my work order here." I shook my head & started to say I couldn't afford those installations, but my landlord talked over me and said "No its fine, don't worry about it, I'll work something out with them, You see, I AM the owner." The guy told him "Well they would have to call the company office & order the installations because it will go on their (my) bill. The landlord pulled the guy outside and tried to tell him to do it anyway & he would pay him later, when that didn't work he came back to me & TOLD me to order the installations & that he'd get back with me on the cost. I held up a money order & said "Well they want me to pay them today & this is all I have so..." My landlord gave me this look right & said "Just order it & I'll write them a check for the difference." Then he left feeling like he had laid the law down. I went up to the phone guy & asked him if I called the company & ordered the installations that my landlord wanted would he even have time to do them today or would he have to come back. He told me that he already told my landlord that he wouldn't be able to do it today because work orders are held for 24 hours for verification purposes. Then the phone guy looks around & says no offense but, why does he want ya'll to have cable in every bedroom & the living room? My response was "Hell if I know. We don't even own a TV!" Any constructive suggestions would be greatly appreciated. How do I explain to a 49 yr old, egomaniac that my have-to's need to be met before his want-to's are?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How to return a vehicle to the dealership?

    Is it possible to trade out the vehicle for another one? Can I return the vehicle and negotiate out of the purchase contract? Is it legal to sell it for cash then pay off my contract with the profits I made? I would really appreciate constructive suggestions.

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Mean Bus Driver Strikes Again!!?

    I wrote some time ago about how my teenager thought the bus driver was sexist & mean. Well that same bus driver substitute drove on the elementary bus & drove my younger children to school about a week ago. My youngest is 5 & goes to Kindergarten. She sits in the very front seat with her best friend (our next door neighbor's daughter also 5). Well this driver's name is Mike. According to the children Mike yelled at them to be quiet & the little girls in front were still giggling & talking. Improper? Yes. But this? Mike stopped the bus and told my 5yr old to go to the back of the bus. Then he turned out the light!! My little ones get on the bus at 6:30 AM! It was pitch black and Mike doesn't allow anyone to sit in the back so she was also alone & in the dark! I found out that the driver is the brother of the bus shop supervisor & that he routinely does mean & hateful things & is known for it. Who does this entity answer to? How can I squash this without just running around like powerless loud mouth? Any practical advice would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Okay to stay out till 11 but not okay to kiss?!?

    This question is about my 15yr old. She told me she had her first kiss! I was so happy for her. She was all smiles and pulling her elbows in and was red in the face! I teased her just a bit by asking her if it was really gross or just a peck, She laughed and was like no no it wasn't a peck but it wasn't gross either... but his mom walked in on us. Then she wasn't happy anymore. So, I ?'d: Did she get mad or something? She told me that his mom got all stiff & said it was time for her to go home. Then (his mom) had 'the boyfriend' call & say my DD wasn't allowed back over there! I am floored. I don't want to invade her privacy but I also can't believe this woman would overreact like this. She said she was sitting in front of his computer and he (standing) leaned over to show her something and "it happened" right as his mother came in to ask if they wanted some cookies. Our teens have been dating for months now. Should I call his mom & ask if there's anything I should know?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is it time to shoot her? 8 mpg is all my '90 Bonneville gets!?

    We have changed the spark plugs, used additive to the gas tank & recently had to replace her water pump but my poor old Bonnie still only gets about 8 mpg! Please tell me what else I can do to improve this. I have been reading about O2 sensors but I'm old school so fill me in.

    We live 15 miles away from the nearest town and do not have a money tree in the back yard so buying a car is not an option yet. :(

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Mean bus driver?My 15 yr old has been coming home complaining that the bus driver is"backwoods & sexist"I have

    told her that things are different down here in Georgia & to try to take it in stride. She is on the bus from 7:AM til 8:05 one way during the AM. So far she has told me that he: *screams "Shut up" on a regular basis, *he segragates the seats so the girls are stacked up 3 to a seat while the boys are mostly 1to a seat;2 seats have two boys in them, * a girl was complaining of being cold & kept asking him to turn on the heater when he did turn on the heater a boy in front of them put his window down & the driver just laughed & wouldn't make him put it up,* when several girls told him to do his job he threatened to write them up for being disruptive, *he's bragged about having two wives. His own DD rides the bus & is humiliated by this guy. I haven't said anything yet because nothing has happened directly to my DD till when his supervisor rode the bus with him. The supervisor took my DD hairbrush & never gave it back & said it was a violation & threatend to write her & others up?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago