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Why is it that when an Athiest defends what they believe in it's considered an 'attack' on religion,?

but when a Theist is threatening us with eternal damnation if we don't believe the same thing they do, it's called "spreading the word of the lord"?

Getting a little sick of the (self) righteous attacking our opinions and beliefs and trying to pass it off as trying to 'save' us. Ya wanna save me? Save me from poverty ~ something real and tangible!

I'll take anything larger than a $10!


OURScott> If you read my answer about women dressing in jeans, you'd know what $20 COULD get ya!

Update 2:

MmSH> reread the question ~ I didn't say Athiesm was a religion. I said that when we defend what we believe it's considered an attack ON religion. So, unless you UNDERSTAND the question, I'd have to go with your screen name and just say, "mmmmm...SH!!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How can an atheist defend what they believe in, when there are no beliefs in atheism?

    But yeah, religious believers have a pretty outrageous definition of "attack." Basically, many of them take the position that simply saying "I don't agree with you" is an "attack." Clearly, they've never *actually* been "attacked..."!


  • John S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    While I agree that evangelizing can be over done... I don't agree that people don't consider Christian evangelization as NOT an attack. I see it all the time on R&S people complaining that they ARE being persecuted and attacked by Christians. So I don't think there is as much a double standard as you envision. - PERSONALLY.

    One difference COULD be that Atheism is not an organized group.. not a religion, has no central tenents, no belief system, no formal ANYTHING.

    Just individuals who don't believe there is a God. -- At BEST, completely individualistic people who agree on 1 small issue. RIGHT?

    So without a central belief, a creed, an organization... then there is no way for Atheists to claim they are trying to spread "TRUTH" like Christians can try and claim. Because to do this.. Society demands that they typically be part of a group with a creed or belief system.

    I'm not saying that Atheists can't claim they are spreading truth.. but I'm just saying that most people don't see it that way, because Atheists aren't organized.

    Again, not saying it is right... just trying to explain. IF there is a truth to be spread.. we assume a group of people would do this.. and not individuals. That's all I'm sayin'


    Lastly... you said:

    <<Ya wanna save me? Save me from poverty ~ something real and tangible!>>

    If I were TRULY concerned for you.. would I give you $10 OR try to share what I BELIEVE will secure you ETERNAL prosperity?

    How much of an A***h** would I have to be to only give you $10 when I could help you secure eternal salvation? How little must I truly care about you... to hold back on something like that?

    Again.. I don't evangelize.. but the argument can be made that for a Christian to NOT share the gospel.. is truly wrong.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    confident, I admit i might have favored for there to be an afterlife. And dropping that concept replaced into certainly relatively disheartening for the time of the early stages of my deconversion. you ultimately learn how to regulate, besides the undeniable fact that. There are different issues to appreciate approximately THIS international and the persons in it. residing continues to be thoroughly nicely worth it, and existence definitely will become extra significant as quickly as one realizes how important it fairly is. ..additionally: you're able to no longer enable what you *desire* and what you *do no longer desire* to be actual verify what you suspect or don't think. merely simply by fact an theory would look proper to you, that would not make it from now on probable to be actual! ..That replaced into between the 1st issues *I* had to understand. in case you have even a shred of psychological honesty, what you will do is you will evaluate the information for a particular declare, then verify no remember if or no longer it fairly is probable to be real. no remember if or no longer it would make you experience all satisfied and fuzzy on the interior wouldn't have something to do with it. playstation : i'm sorry approximately your dad, by skill of how. =(

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians often don't realize it,and won't admit it when they do, but they're in a position of privilege in this country.They,mostly, don't want to debate on an even level.They see their privilege as their "right" and won't give it up without a fight.

    They don't understand our Constitution and believe the First Amendment applies to them only.They fail to see it's protecting all of us,not just them.

    According to several polls-Harris,Pew,etc-about 15% of the population of the fall into a group labeled non believers.With just a little organization that would be a huge voting bloc,larger than almost any single religious denomination.I know organizing atheists is like herding cats.Still,think of power we could wield together.

    BQ:I'll accept take ones,fives and up.I'll pay in singles and fives,I'm not that proud.

    Very good question,thank you.

    Source(s): An agnostic atheist capable of rational and critical thought.
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  • bob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's why, when someone says the words: God, believe or religion, all you do is turn away and never talk to them again. My real life block list is over 9000 now.

  • /\
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I attack religions.

    Why wouldn't I?

    They don't have any special privileges.

    They're not above scrutiny and question.

    I judge them, criticize them,

    and bash them without impunity.

    I freely admit it.

    Not because I'm defending my atheism,

    but because I feel religions

    - organized religions to be precise -

    are a plague.

    They're a virus on humanity.

    They're holding us back,

    stunting our growth,

    and keeping us from achieving our full potential.

    And I sincerely think the world would be better off without them..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not an 'attack' on religion; Atheism is not a religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    When A coworker asked my religion and I said atheist he freaked. He now claims that i am the anti christ

  • Hey! I want some saving too! Don't be selfish, spread the wealth around little sister.


  • 1 decade ago

    What will $20 get me?

    Tangibly of course.


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