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Does President Obama show Republicans more love than he does the Liberals that campaigned for him?

Escalates War in Afghanistan

Continues waarantless wiretapping and 'enhanced interrogations'

No Public Option but increased business for Private Insurers in Health Bill

Huge transfer of wealth from taxpayers and the Fed to Wall Street Banks

No meaningful reform of Wall Street

Lower Estate Taxes and extended Tax Cuts for Wealthiest 2% (add $800 Billion to defecit)

The president is speaking perfect Republican with his talk of simplifying the tax code, freezing federal wages, and best of all, his feral attacks on his own supporters for having the gall to try and hold him to his word. Mr. Obama lavishes praise and apologies all over his opponents, even as they try to annihilate him, while attacking viciously the people who wore out shoe leather and gave money they couldn't afford to give in order to see him into the office he has thus far not graced at all. Perhaps worst of all, the same insanely right-bent Republican Party Mr. Obama has been playing footsie with will take control of the House of Representatives after the New Year.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Duh. Of course, why would anyone expect anything else?

    'President Barack Obama’s groveling before the Republicans and his lurch to the right, highlighted by his deal to extend tax cuts for the rich, have evoked a new outpouring of hand-wringing commentary by his supporters on the liberal left.

    Reading the various articles, one does not know which is more repugnant, their stupidity or their cynicism.

    They all proceed from the premise that Obama is a “progressive.” Why? On what basis? There is nothing in his political career either before or after his election that suggests anything other than a conventional—i.e., right-wing—American bourgeois politician.

    In the end, they brand Obama a progressive on the grounds that he is Democrat and an African-American. Here on full display is the political bankruptcy of the rejection of social class as the basic criterion in politics and its replacement by race and other forms of personal identity.

    These elements are puzzled, bewildered, even indignant over Obama’s recent cave-ins to the Republicans. But there is nothing new in this entirely predictable response to an electoral defeat that was itself the result of the abandonment of past promises and the pursuit of uniformly pro-corporate, war-mongering, right-wing policies while in office.

    They seem to assume that the American people are suffering from collective amnesia—that no one recalls Obama’s relentless efforts from the day of his election to rehabilitate the Republicans, after that party had been repudiated by a population angered and disgusted by years of political reaction.

    But it is fact that Obama took the unprecedented step of keeping on Bush’s defense secretary—who had overseen the “surge” in Iraq—and packing his administration with Wall Street insiders and former military officers. He even attempted to appoint the right-wing Senator Judd Gregg as his commerce secretary.

    What are the “core principles” that Obama has supposedly abandoned and must now reclaim? The only principles he has evinced are the defense of the global interests of US imperialism and the wealth and power of the American financial aristocracy. Aside from occasional cheap demagogy, he has shown nothing but indifference and contempt when it comes to the American people.

    The apotheosizing of Obama by this political milieu is ultimately a function of their own social being. They represent a very privileged, comfortable and complacent layer of the upper-middle class, and their pro-Obama, pro-Democratic Party politics reflects very real, material interests—interests that are sharply at odds with those of the working class.

    One need only ask, in precisely what does their “progressiveness” consist? They do not advocate serious social or political reforms, let alone socialist policies. On the contrary, they tenaciously uphold a political system dominated by two utterly corrupt and reactionary parties of the American plutocracy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama and the Democratic Congress accomplished a lot in the past two years.

    Are you blind or something?


  • Tania
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yet he receives none from them.

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