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Problem with youtube downloader?

Is anyone else having any problems useing youtube downloader to download videos from youtube?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've had problems with it recently because it's updated and my laptop and computer haven't got the correct java player or flash player or something to make it run.

    I just scroll to the bottom of the page and there is a link to 'use old uploader' That should work for as long as you need it to - even after the new one starts to work - so if there's an issue if you manage to get the new one you can always go back to the old one.

    Source(s): I am YouTube user -
  • 1 decade ago

    You can download and convert them wmv video format, then play it with windows media player in slow motion..

    Windows media player has the setting to slow the video down.

    this will help you... Use 'zillatube'

    It is very easy to download and convert to wmv/mp3/etc format that is compatible for your windows media player, for you to watch those videos comfortably. (you can also create an automated playlist that you can watch or listen to.)

    It is the easiest way (and also the fastest).

    It works very well -

  • 5 years ago

    Dowload u tube video you employ your browser to get carry of working movies from the internet. Firefox ======= click The Addons From Menu. opt for upload Addons. >get extensions A web site would be opened. seek Video Downloader. setting up it. Now circulate to You Tube and play your video. click the backside precise corner of the browser. A window will open. precise click and save the Video. IE7 click kit >take care of addons> locate greater >seek for video downloader.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    update your youtube downloader

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