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I share a house with FOUR MEN.....and is one of them showing interest in me?

I moved into a new town because i got a job there and i was desperately looking for a nice room to rent which was within my price range. So after looking around i got to see a house which had a large room and was ensuite as well. And then i would share the kitchen with everyone else. It was in good condition and just what i wanted at that time.

The landlord was a man and he said that he was 30yrs old and that he was renting part of his house to help pay his mortgage. It is a 5 bedroom house and he rents the 4 rooms. I didnt bother to ask who was living in the other rooms and if they were male/female. I just concentrated on moving in and settling down. So after a while i realised that the other 3 housemates were the landlord's friends whom he worked with and they were all male and single. I felt alittle bit intimidated by the fact that i was the only female in the house. But i decided to overcome that feeling and let it not bother me. The boys were great and welcomed me into the house.

Its now been 4 months and i have started to realise that the landlord could possibly like me but am not sure. He flirts around with me alot and always checks up on me in my room everyday to see if am ok. He makes me a cup of tea everyday when i get back from work and he texts me to find out how my day is going daily. Sometimes when i get home and I am making my dinner he comes and sits in the kitchen and just talk to me.

I rarely go out on Fridays because i work on Saturdays. I have noticed that when i moved in at the beginning he would go out every Friday with his friends. But nowadays he stays in and we sit in the living room and just watch a movie and talk and have tea and popcorn. Last Saturday i went to a work christmas dinner party and unfortunately i dont have a car yet. So i rang for a taxi. I was wearing a long dress with heels and was in the living room waiting for my cab. He walked in and stood there and said that i looked really beautiful. Then he asked where i was going and how i was getting there. He rang the taxi people and cancelled my booking. He drove me to the hotel instead and told me to ring him when i was done he would come and pick me up. When he dropped me he gave me a kiss on my chic and told me that he would miss me. And that he was looking forward to watching a movie with me that night. Sometimes when i come back from a night out with my girls he comes to my room to see if am ok then he goes back to his room. And its strange because every time he tells me how dangerous it is for me to walk around or hire a cab alone at night.

Once i had my friend that i went to university with visit me and he stayed in my room and slept on the floor because he had a sleeping bag. And after he left my landlord asked me if he was my boyfriend. I thought it was none of his business but to be polite i answered him. Then he blurted out and said that he couldnt deal with another man touching me. I reminded him that he was my landlord and me his tenant and that we were not in a relationship at all.

He has never asked me out. We have never gone out on a date and he has never expressed his feelings for me so i dont understand why he was jealous of the other guy- my friend. Also we dont touch, never kissed or made out. The furthest we have gone is a hug and he plants a kiss on my neck everytime we do that.

Does this man like me? And does he seem to want more from me in terms of a relationship? If there was a possibility that i started to seriously like him, would it be wise to move out? I am 26yrs by the way.

NB: I asked this question in this section because i think there is a mature audience in this category hence better opinion/answers. Thanks.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He watches you when you sleep, and he smells your underwear when you aren't there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I do believe he has an interest in you. However, I feel like it is a little creepy. Seems like he does like you but is waiting to get some sort of conformation that you feel the same way. The comment about another guy touching you is the creepy part.

    So, what do you do? Seems to me that you should do nothing at this point. Why? Because if you did have a romantic interest in him, you would know you already feel that way. But, it seems you have not that type of interest in him. You state "if there was a possibility that I started to seriously like him...." tells me that you are not attracted to him. You have certainly spent enough time with him to know how you feel.

    Unless you are prepared to move, then I would not get romantically involved with him. He seems quite possessive and if you began a relationship, then you would have zero privacy or peace while living under his roof. Don't do it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How and why does this guy own a 5 bedroom house?

    Why are all of the other roommates single?

    How is it possible that you have known this guy for several months, yet you don't seem to know if YOU like HIM? I think you should figure that out first. If you want to have a relationship with him, I'd STAY in the house. But if you don't want a relationship and decide that HE likes YOU, THEN I think you should move out... because if he likes you and you don't want to... that's kinda creepy living together.

  • 1 decade ago

    He sounds to have a demanding side to him. If you like him go for it but if it doesn't work make sure you can find some where else to go or maybe you should spend more time with the guys (The other room mates) going out and stuff. All my friends are guys and once your confirmed as one of them you become less attractive to them or you and your best male friend will secretly love each other. But anyways back to topic it most definitely seems like he wants to tare you up, on simple terms.

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  • Kaia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    it's always a good idea to keep all the bits of your life as separate as possible. As long as you're renting from him, you need to keep your relationship landlord-tenant and nothing else. If you're interested in him, then you need to find another place to live, and talk with him before you give notice to move out.

    Explain that you like him, but you're not going to get involved with your "landlord". If he wants to give the relationship a shot, then you need to sever the landlord/tenant relationship first.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I'm sure you know wished you had asked who you would be sharing with.

    If your landlord's possible attraction is not what you want it's time to start looking for new accommodation and giving notice where you live.

    Thank goodness it's an en suite room and you only have to share the kitchen.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    License To Drive, for sure. And hey-- I know what you're talking about! I have something like 150 contacts, but whenever I ask a question, I get MAYBE one response from a contact. Way to show the love, guys!

  • Gypsy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It was unwise to move in to a place with 4 men. It was unwise to not ask whom else you would be sharing a house with. But....Yes, it sounds like your landlord does have a thing for you. I'd move out now, before something really bad happens. Unless you want to take things further with him, in which case....have a back up plan ready in case things don't work out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are really serious issues when an ADULT asks question like "Does this man LIKE me". This is the kind of question that junior high school kids ask. Even high school kids have generally outgrown that type of query. If an adult woman were going to ask this question, and I doubt that most adults would, she would ask "Is this man attracted to me" OR "Do you think this man has a romantic interest in me". but no woman would ordinarily ask a question like that. You might ask why. The reason is that by the time a woman is 26 she has sufficient life experience to KNOW that all men are horny toads and if you live in the same house with a pack of them at least one if not all of them are going to try to get into your pants.

    Enough said.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes he likes you. Yes he seems to want a relationship with you. If you start a relationship I don't see why you'd need to move out. It's only if the relationship ends that living together would be a problem...

  • 1 decade ago

    Some landlords are prepared to forgo the rent in exchange for a once a week mutual gratification.

    Could be the situation here.

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