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What would my situation be if I returned to the UK?

I am a 33 year old British woman with 2 children ( 7 years and 1 year). I have lived in Spain for the last 22 years. Obviously I have never worked in the UK. What would my situation be if I returned to the Uk now? I mean how would i go about claiming benefit, what would I be entitled to. Also how would i go about job searching as I don't want to live of benefits. Also on a personal level, what area of uk would you recommend?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sure you have most things covered, but here is a brief check-list that might be useful to you with regards to Spain > Uk repatriation -

  • Boris
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I was in exactly this position when I was 48. Don't worry - it all works out.

    The first thing you need to do is apply for a National Insurance number if you haven't already got one. It's been a few years now (22 to be exact!) and I can't remember exactly how I did it, but I think it was through the post office. Once you have that, you can apply for a job, or benefits, or anything else.

    About where to live...look for a nice school district. If your children are happy, so will you be. My choice would be the countryside and near a friend or relative. You are going to need a bit of support until you make some new friends and settle in.

    I wish you all the best. Buena suerte!

  • 1 decade ago

    What area of the UK would depend on the sort of work you are looking for. If you have a particular skill/qualification, then that would dictate where you went. But generally, the south east is expensive, but where most of the jobs are at the moment, where as other areas will be cheaper, but have less jobs available for low to medium skilled people. You might also want to look at schools - where has the best or worst, where has access to the sort of activities your kids might want to do, nurseries and so on - it all depends on what you want from an area, really. Go about job searching online first, but to see what benefits you would be entitled to, you will need to go to the job centre, and they will also help you look for work.

    You need to contact HMRC regarding taxes you will now have to pay, and the Department for Work and Pensions will be able to help regarding NI contributions, pension entitlements, benefits and so on. This should help you find out which benefits you might be able to claim until you find a job:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    should get benefits cuz uk is a member of the ec

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