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Bam Bam! asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

I NEED to stop taking cerazette, help me?

Right I've been on all kinds of pills for like 3 years now. A few months ago I decided that I wanted to stop my periods because they are gross and painful and inconvenient. I went on mircogon, which is supposed to stop periods, which it did for months and then BAM right out of no where, my period went on a rampage and didnt stop for like a month!!

So I went back to my doctor with vengence, and she put me on cerazette, no periods for months, absolute BLISS, loved it. And now, again out of no where, my period came back and has been like this for a month again!! I am right in the middle of a pack and want to stop it.. I have about a week and a half left. Can I stop this madness and have my old pre BCP self.

I have put on two stone because of this stupid pill crap, and am FED up to the teeth of this.

Please tell me I can stop now, because lets be honest my cycle couldnt be anymore f**ked up than it already is.

Many thanks :D


I didnt ask anyone to patronise me and tell me that I am a woman and I'm going to get periods, well no duh, I figured that out so much.

I am asking if I can stop my pill half way thru, because its making my life hell.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly Microgynon does not stop periods, unless it is taken without the 7 day breaks. This is potentially dangerous as it may increase the risk of endometrial cancer. Cerazette does after a full year of use result in a about 70% of women remaining 'period free'. Hover even these may have episodic bleeding.

    All hormone manipulations are in a way abnormal but ultimately it is up to you what you chose to do, remembering that with the best will in the world, no specific response can be 100% guaranteed as there is always some variation between women.

    Source(s): GP for more years than I care to remember
  • 1 decade ago

    I know having periods is gross and inconvenient, but there are very few things which can reliably stop them.

    I was on cerazette and had similar experience to yours. My doctor discussed it with me and said we could look at either a mirena coil or the depo injection. I went for depo and have been on it now for about 18 months. I have had some breakthrough bleeding, but nothing heavy, and 1000% better than on Cerazette.

    I'd suggest you continue the pack of cerazette for now, otherwise you're just going to start another period right away. Make an appt with your doc to discuss the other options.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had exactly the same thing hun, i wanted an end to my periods too, so i thought going on the progesterone only pill would stop them - but it made them worse. So now the doctor has put me back on the combined pill, which yes i know you have a period every month, but the way i saw it i would rather have a week of inconvenience than a whole month of being on!

    I`ve had no breakthrough bleeding at all on this new pill, its called Yasmin i think - good for spots too

    Gud luck hope you find a pill that suits you :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can stop cerazette whenever you want, I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with the pill. Cerazette should stop your period because I'm on it and only have like two periods a year.

    But if you're unhappy with it, just stop taking them. It'll take a while for it to be out of your system, but you'll get back to normal and hopefully have normal periods.

    Hope that helps


    Source(s): Personal Experience
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're a woman, you are going to get periods. Accept that. You are trying to battle against nature. Synthetic hormones will only work for so long, before your body's natural desire to 'release' will take over and you have a period. Periods aren't the best, a lot of us suffer, but they are part of what women are all about and nothing short of a hysterectomy is going to stop your periods for any length of time. Yeh, sure, some women find a method that seems to stop their periods in the long term, but not every woman gets the same result.

    The Mirena coil is meant to be good for periods - ive been experiencing heavy, prolonged and erratic bleeding for the past 3 years, Mirena is my last resort. I'm not fussed about stopping my periods altogether, i just want them to ease off, having periods that last for 2 weeks every other week is starting to get tedious.

    Speak to your GP, but seriously, if you want to get rid of your periods altogether, you'll have to have your womb removed. There's no sure fire, quick fix miracle 'cure'.

    ..added: of course you can stop your pill midway through. You can stop it any time you want. It might take a month or two to get yourself back on track, but eventually your body's natural cycle will kick in and away you go. Didn't mean to be patronising, but majority of your rant was about your periods and how they are hell and how you want them to stop - all i'm saying is women have periods - we all have to deal with them and just get on with it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    fairly doubt it is going to end. you shouldnt fairly be on at the same time as taking them, yet they are saying supply 3 months on your body to get used to cerazette. maximum folk of girls folk dont bleed at the same time as taking this as you're taking it continually and dont take a damage. i changed into on those quickly yet i got here across if i took my pill some hours each way of undemanding i got here on a era, so i couldnt cope being on continually so i ended taking them, befell with cilest too. so now I have the injection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Put a cork in it!?!

    Source(s): Tomato or barbeque sometimes
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