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Can anybody help me with this?

Okay so my teacher gave us a brain teaser paper thing and its due tomorrow. I can't figure these two questions out :(

Mr. Black, Mr. Brown, and Mr. White were having a conversation. "It's funny," said Mr. Black to the other two men, "that we are all wearing different colors, but none of us is wearing the color that is the same as his name." "True," agreed the man who was wearing white. Use the information in this conversation to give the correct last name of the man wearing each color (black, brown, and white).

& This one

Five athletes were returning from a cross-contry race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. From the following information, can you tell how athletes A, B, and D placed in the race?

Athlete A was not last. Athlete A came in after E. Athlete D was not first.

Thank you in advance :)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    - Black could wear white or brown (but given that the man wearing white replied, Mr Black was wearing Brown)

    - White could wear brown or black (Mr Black wears brown, so Mr white is wearing black)

    - Brown could wear white or black (he is wearing white - the only color left)

    Mr White wears Black

    Mr Black wears Brown

    Mr Brown wears White


    Athlete E was 2nd

    Athlete C was 3rd

    Athlete A came in after E so he is 4th or 5th. But he wasn't last so he was 4th

    Athlete D was not first, so he was last (5th) on place available

    Athlete B was first, the only place available

    B - first

    E - second

    C - third

    A - fourth

    D - fifth

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nobody can be wearing the same color as his name, so, Mr. Black can be wearing only brown or white. Since he is talking to a man wearing white, that means Mr. Black must be wearing brown. Mr. White can be wearing only black or brown, but Mr. Black is wearing brown, so Mr. White must be wearing black. That means that Mr. Brown is the man wearing white.







    You already know that C places 3rd, and E places 2nd, so you can write those down. It tells you that A came in after E, but was not last. Thus the only place A could have came in would be 4th. Since it tells you that D was not 1st, that means that D was last. B is the only athlete left that isn't mentioned so he must have placed 1st.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Since no one can be wearing the same color as his name, Mr. Black can be wearing only brown or white. Since he is talking to a man wearing white, that means Mr. Black must be wearing brown. Mr. White can be wearing only black or brown, but Mr. Black is wearing brown, so Mr. White must be wearing black. That means that Mr. Brown is the man wearing white.

    my teacher also asked us this riddle some time ago :)

    2. Since C was third and E was second, A could only be first or fourth. Since A was behind E, A could not be first; therefore A must be fourth. D could not be first, second, third, or fourth, so D must be fifth. If D is fifth, A fourth, C third, and E second, then B must be first.

    I didn't know that one but fount the answer on the internet, but I checked if it was accurate and it is.

    hope this helped (:

    Source(s): own experience and
  • 1 decade ago

    Mr. Black is wearing brown. Mr. Brown is wearing white. Mr. White is wearing black.

    First to last: B E C A D

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mr Brown is wearing white.

    Mr Black is wearing brown.

    Mr White is wearing black.

    Athlete B = 1

    Athlete E = 2

    Athlete C = 3

    Athlete A = 4

    Athlete D = 5

  • Ann
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Mr Black made the remark and the man wearing white agreed. The man wearing white can't be mister White, and he can't be mister Black, because Mr Black wouldn't agree to his own statement. So

    Mr Brown is wearing white

    Mr Black is wearing brown

    Mr White is wearing black.

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