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  • Bad hair routine ? Please help me .?

    Let me start off by saying that my hair is already very damaged, dry, and thin .

    I'm a 14 year old girl and this is seriously starting to make me depressed .

    Ok it all happened at the begging of 7th grade I started washing and straightening my hair everyday . I didn't use heat protection & I haven't even heard of it . I also didn't really know how to do it right (lol) and I wouldn't section my hair off so I had to go over my hair multiple times .

    Then in the 8th grade I'm still using washing my hair every single day & using hair straighteners and now I'm blow drying my hair up side down before I straighten it so I can at least get some volume into it . My blow dryer at the time didn't have a temperature select, so there was only hot . You couldn't change it or make it cooler .

    8th grade was also the year I became "anorexic" some girl had called me fat so I went home & cried for a day straight then I slowly cut out food from my life . This is when the hair thinness started . My hair started falling out in clumps .

    Summer for 8th grade is when I realized something was really, really wrong . My hair looked so dry so at the begging of the summer I said ok I'm not going to do anything to my hair but wear it natural and no products . So all my hair got was a 3 month break ( I was still showering everyday, but washing my hair every other day )

    9th grade - (current) I wash my hair 5 out of 7 days a week . Mon - Fri . When I get out of the shower I let my hair half dry in a towel and after about 5 or 10 minutes I take it down, spray heat protectant all over my hair then blow dry it upside down . Then I section my hair off into small sections, to straighten . I use heat protectant every day except for Friday because I do not think it is good to sleep in hair protectant and leave it it until monday ( i do not wash my hair on the weekends )

    please, Please, PLEASE help me find a good healthy hair routine ! as my natural hair was bad enough to start out with, it now looks 10x times worse . I feel like I can't do anything but to keep on damaging it for the rest of my life .

    I apologize this was so long .

    But THANK YOU to all of your answers in advance, I appreciate more then you might think .

    3 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • are you addicted to Yahoo Answers ?

    just wondering . . .

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Does anybody else get annoyed when ..?

    Teenage girls take WAYYY too many pictures of themself in the bathroom ? I don't know why but they insist on showing us every possible angel of their face . & Then they have to make a new photo album on facebook everyday because they want us to know what they look like ?

    I don't have a problem with taking pictures, I just get annoyed when girls take WAY TOO MANY ! (:

    What about you guys ? :P

    6 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Can you help me with an easy math problem ?


    That was my friends status on facebook and everybody has a different answer !

    I had 9 from 1 + 2 = 3 & 6 / 2 = 3 so 3 x 3 = 9

    Other people had answers like 1, 4, 3, and 18 ?!

    This is an easy question so I guess I'll give best answer to whoever can answer it right first .

    15 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How much am I supposed to weigh ?

    I just turned 14 on 4/20 . I'm 5'5 and 118 pounds. Am I fat ? People say I'm really skinny but I feel fat all of the time. I don't like anything about my body, I actually hate everything about it. How much am I supposed to weigh because I know I'm fat. Please help ?

    Thanks in advance .

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do You Have To Pay To Get On The Internet For A Nintendo Dsi ?!?

    My mother just got off of the phone with At&t's Tech Support and she was asking how to get the Nintendo Dsi connected to the internet & they said you have to pay .. do you have to pay ?

    & How do you get a Dsi connected to the internet ?! I can't figure it out & I followed all of the directions (this site -- ) but I don't know my wep key or whatever !


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • If there is a fight at school and you're just defending yourself do you get in trouble too?

    My best friend is about to get in a fight friday ! :( I don't want her to get in a fight but she says she wants to and I'm not sure what to say to her to make her change her mind ! I'm asking this because I just wanted to know if she was going to get in trouble or not or does it just depend on the school ? ..She said that she isn't gonna start nothing but she's just going to finish it so, would she be expelled or anything? Also is there any fighting tips ? (I'm not planning on getting in a fight anytime soon but just in case !) =] Oh yeah & what can I say to my friend to make her change her mind ! I really don't want her to do this !

    No mean comments please ! =[

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What did you think of the movie Mean Girls 2 ?

    I think the movie was good but the first one with Lindsay Lohan was better! :) What did you think of it ?!

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • History Homework Question :( need someone smart?

    In the early 1800's three men played key roles in Congress. 1.______________ spoke for the South. Educated at Yale, he had immense energy and an intense way of speaking. 2.___________, who spoke for the North, served first in the House and later as a Senator from Massachusetts. 3.___________ came from the West. He had been a War Hawk in 1812. He favored high tariffs on imports to prevent other countries from 4.____________ goods into American market at very low prices. ...sorry about 4, if nobody has a idea then it's okay, i really just need the names. I Thank You whoever has the correct answer..(also i forgot to bring the book and im trying my best to solve all my questions by Jan 3) ..i need caffeine

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Questions About Suicide Please Help?

    Okay some other person asked this on here but nobody answered it and the question got deleted so can you answer these questions? NOTE: I'm not suicidal, these are just good questions!

    Okay so first question, since my school hasn't had a recent suicide: Do schools notify students that one of their peers has commited suicide as soon as they get the news, and if they do do they tell students why they did it?

    Next: If a teen has told their mother/father that they want to kill themselves and want to get them counseling, but the parent did nothing about it, and the teen commits suicide... is it emotional abuse/neglect and will the police charge them for it?

    And lastly: How do friends of the teen who commited suicide usually get the news that the teen has done so, if the parents/family do not directly contact them? If the teen left their name in a suicide letter, for example, will the police have to contact them?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Can anybody help me with this?

    Okay so my teacher gave us a brain teaser paper thing and its due tomorrow. I can't figure these two questions out :(

    Mr. Black, Mr. Brown, and Mr. White were having a conversation. "It's funny," said Mr. Black to the other two men, "that we are all wearing different colors, but none of us is wearing the color that is the same as his name." "True," agreed the man who was wearing white. Use the information in this conversation to give the correct last name of the man wearing each color (black, brown, and white).

    & This one

    Five athletes were returning from a cross-contry race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. From the following information, can you tell how athletes A, B, and D placed in the race?

    Athlete A was not last. Athlete A came in after E. Athlete D was not first.

    Thank you in advance :)

    6 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Girls help me please!!! Im 14!?

    okay so im 14 years old and I have constant thoughts of getting pregnant and having a baby. I would never acctually HAVE a baby or even have sex for that much (at this age) . I just have alot of thoughts about it. I know how a baby would like ruin my life and all I just like thinking about it. Im still a virgin and its gonna stay that way 'till Im married.

    So anyway is it normal to have thoughts like this at 14 or am I just weird?

    **Note** Im not going to have sex or get pregnant any time soon. I just think about what it would be like!! Nothing else!!

    12 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Why do people think the number 13 is bad luck?

    People at my new school say because my first class in room 13 Im going to have bad luck the rest of the year. Out of all the numbers, why did people pick 13 to be unlucky? Do you believe in this? Thanks ~Nicole~

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to put in a new tampon when you just took one out?

    This is a dumb question I know ..but people say don't leave a tampon in for more then 6 hours because of tss. So do you think it would be okay to take out a tampon then put another 1 in right after? Why do people tell me this if it is okay? thankx ~Nicole~

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • First Time going to Ceadar Point?

    Im going to a feild trip with my class. How do you carry around all of your stuff? How do you not through up after rides? What should I bring & how much money? thx xoxo ~Nicole~ :]

    3 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • Catholic girls only please? :(?

    wow okay well im in 7th grade. I feel like Im a weirdo because Im like the 1 person at my school who doesnt do drugs or have sex. I dont want to commit a sin but at the same time i dont want to tell my mum about how bad school is. Is there any way how i can convince her to let me go to an ALL GIRLS CATHOLIC SCHOOL without telling her what all of my friends do? thx :] xoxo

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Okay so what time should i change my tampon at school?

    okay so im in 7th grade and have 5 classes. i have school today its my second day on my (.) we only have 3 mins for passing time but thats really not alot :| i can only use regulars. so like how am i supposed to change my tampon at school? i cant be late for class or i get a detention :[ any help? :)

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What would you do if this happened to you...?

    ok so i just started dating this 1 boy hez my age but hez my big brothers best friends with hez coiusin. i was talking to hem last night on myspcae i.m&& my comp messed up and just shut down so the i.m was still on. we were talking about us dating nd stuffs so i get home from school today && my bro asked me if i had a bf i said no cos i didnt thought he knew so then my bf called && my brother talked to hem the 1st thing he said was like okay soo do u have a gf yet?!?! I started freaking out. omg I CANNOT TELL MY BROTHER!!! Soo what would u do if you where were I am? plz help thx :] xoxo

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Omg picture day tomorrow please help?

    ok so tomorrows picture day I have this whitehead on my forehead.

    Its red && irratating

    does toothpaste work? omg its tomorrow plz help :[[

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • i cant get a tampon in please help?

    ok so i started my period about 3 years ago && tried many times to get in a tampon. i have read everything && tried everything but still cant get 1 in :(

    OK so I bought the smallest kind.

    I put 1 foot up on the bathtub && I was relaxed cos I didnt think it would hurt.

    I put some Blue October music on wich makes me relax.

    I angeled it about 45 Degrese like it said to on the box.

    I couldnt even get the tip of it in.

    It burned sooo bad :[

    To the Point were I started crying.

    So I went to my mum.

    She said it hurts the first time.

    But I dont think this is normal please help me :[[

    I have school tomorrow

    && Dont want to leak though my pants

    Ohh yea and,

    I have a really heavy flo so whenever I wear pads

    It leaks so I really need help on that :[

    Thanks xoxo :]

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago