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Can you help me with an easy math problem ?


That was my friends status on facebook and everybody has a different answer !

I had 9 from 1 + 2 = 3 & 6 / 2 = 3 so 3 x 3 = 9

Other people had answers like 1, 4, 3, and 18 ?!

This is an easy question so I guess I'll give best answer to whoever can answer it right first .


EDIT : I ended up getting 3 x 3 because whenever a number is by (parenthesis) and it has no symbol it ends up being multiplication , that's how I learned anyway .

15 Answers

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's shocking to me that even math majors are having so much trouble with this problem.

    You're right, the answer is 9, and your reasoning is correct. Nicely done.

    Everybody does the first step fine, they add 1+2 to get 3 since the 1+2 is INSIDE the parentheses. So then you have 6÷2(3)

    Now here's the thing: 2(3) does NOT fall under the "parentheses" category in the order of operations. Parentheses in the order of operations means an operation that is INSIDE a pair of parentheses, like the (1+2) in the first step. With 2(3) the 2 is not inside the parentheses, so this does not fall under the parentheses category. In fact, 2(3) is just multiplication of 2 and 3, so it falls under the "multiplication" level of the order of operations (the "M" in PEDMAS). Since 6÷2(3) has just division and multiplication, and the operations of division and multiplication occur at the same level in the order of operations, we just work from left to right.

    So, 6÷2(3) becomes 3(3), which gives you an answer of 9.

    Hope that helps :)


    If anyone doesn't believe me, you can see for yourself by typing the problem in here:

    You'll get this result:

    I think it's safe to say that Wolfram Alpha knows how to do simple order of operations problems.


    @Vigilant, maybe the reason you can't describe it any better is that your answer is wrong. Did you ever consider that possibility? If you don't think my answer is right, can you explain what part of my reasoning you disagree with?


    @Vigilant, the whole point of the order of operations is to make problems like this completely unambiguous. There is only one correct way to interpret this problem, namely the way that leads to the answer of 9. Now, the person who originally wrote the question may have meant the other interpretation, but that would mean they wrote the expression incorrectly. I often see people type x+2/3 when they really mean (x+2)/3, but that doesn't mean x+2/3 can be correctly interpreted that way. x+2/3, as written, can only mean x+(2/3) because of the order of operations. Same for this problem.


    Also, are you serious about Wolfram Alpha not being able to handle a question like this? Wolfram Alpha is probably the most powerful online mathematical engine in existence. I can't believe you wouldn't know that as a math major.

  • Daniel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    6/2(1+2) = 6/2+4 = 6/6 = 1


    -------- = -------- = ---- = 1


    edit--You could do 6/2(3) and get the same answer, but when you begin introducing variables, it helps to learn to distribute the 2 across the parentheses which is how I got the 2+4.

    I hope my description helps, but I'm a math major, not an English major.

    2nd edit--it's a little depressing to see so many people getting the wrong answers here. I'm telling you the answer is 1, but I can't describe it any better over the internet. Good luck!

    You should wait until you find out the answer from your teacher before picking a best answer here.

    edit--@matt as a matter of fact, I can. First of all, it depends on how the question is written. If the question is as follows (which is how the website you linked us to believes):


    -- x -------






    you would be absolutely correct. The answer would be 9. Because 18/2 equals 9. But the problem (as I understand it) is this:


    -- x ------= 1






    They are two completely different problems. And even though the computer doesn't understand the problem doesn't mean I'm incorrect. It simply means that single-line problems are only what it was designed for. I'll admit that the way the original problem was introduced is a little difficult to interpret given the nature of computer keyboards. It really depends on how the problem is written for the assignment.

    The problem that we all seem to be facing (after much thinking about it) is a simple miscommunication. Mostly due to the one-line nature of computers. So....with all that said, the answer could be 1 or 9 depending on how it is written for the assignment (which is why I went to all the trouble of writing it out as fractions).

    Source(s): Math major.
  • 1 decade ago

    You just have to follow order of operations. First do the parenthesis, (1+2) = 3. Than, you do the multiplication, which is 2 X 3 = 6. Than, you do 6 / 6, which equals 1.

    Source(s): in pre-calc math
  • 1 decade ago

    This question is designed to be ambiguous. It is supposed to be confusing. The reason is that even if you use order of operations, depending on how you interpret the 2(1 part determines what your answer is. Most computer math tools like Wolfram Alpha or Maple 13 will not allow you to enter it that way and will force you to add a * sign. That would change the equation to 6÷2*(1+2) this gives you 9 as an answer. However, the reason this problem is getting so much attention on Facebook is that you can reasonably argue for both solutions. Really, the problem is flawed because it uses terrible mathematical syntax. Both answers work. Neither is right or wrong.

    Source(s): best answer ive found for this question so far
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  • 1 decade ago

    6/2(1+2) =

    6/2(3) =

    6/6 =


  • 1 decade ago

    the answer is 1. u got 9 coz u added 1 n 2 and then divided 6 by 2. thts where u went rong. in an open sentence always follow the sequence ASMD(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). So, u shud first add 1 n 2 and then multiply the sum i.e 3 wid 2 wich yields 6 and finally divide 6 by wht is left i.e 6. therefore 6/6 = 1. simple

  • 1 decade ago

    the right answer is 1 because after adding 1 and 2, you are supposed to multiply 3 by 2 and then divide by 6

  • 1 decade ago

    it is 9

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    its 9,

    order of operations

  • 1 decade ago

    its 9, i checked it 5 times

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