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Nikole♥ asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Questions About Suicide Please Help?

Okay some other person asked this on here but nobody answered it and the question got deleted so can you answer these questions? NOTE: I'm not suicidal, these are just good questions!

Okay so first question, since my school hasn't had a recent suicide: Do schools notify students that one of their peers has commited suicide as soon as they get the news, and if they do do they tell students why they did it?

Next: If a teen has told their mother/father that they want to kill themselves and want to get them counseling, but the parent did nothing about it, and the teen commits suicide... is it emotional abuse/neglect and will the police charge them for it?

And lastly: How do friends of the teen who commited suicide usually get the news that the teen has done so, if the parents/family do not directly contact them? If the teen left their name in a suicide letter, for example, will the police have to contact them?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I was in high school, a student committed suicide and it was announced (over the speakers) that he had passed away, but suicide wasn't mentioned even though that rumor was around. School officials usually won't come out and say that out of respect for the family and all that.

    If a teen tells a mother/father that they're thinking about it, and they do it, then either the parents will deny they knew anything about it or they may admit it, but I doubt any charges will be brought against them unless they aided in the action or abused the child and there's proof.

    The friends are often notified by a counselor of some kind or possibly the deceased teen's parents. If a friend was close to the family or child, they can provide great comfort to the parents. If not, I doubt anyone will go out of their way to contact everyone the teen knew, but word gets around. The family is usually dealing with funeral arrangements.

    Source(s): My experience in high school and an extended family member who passed away in high school (not suicide).
  • 1 decade ago

    First Question: It depends on the school. Some schools think kids can't deal with the trauma, while others think they can. Most schools will tell you what has happened to the fellow student, but usually why they suicide is confidential information.

    Second Question: Yes,because the parents should take that as a warning, not just ignore it. But, it wouldn't be considered emotional abuse or neglect if they have a legitimate reason.

    Third Question: News travels fast. It could be the police who told someone, who told someone else, who told that person, and so on. It could also be learned from the principal of the school they attend.

    I'm not sure what your asking in that question, but I think you mean if the teen left someone else's name in a suicide letter, then yes. The police will have to contact them to find out why the person would possibly suicide.

    If your asking about if the teen left their name in a suicide letter that's confedential, then no. The police can not contact them, because it's supossed to be confidential. Only the person who receives it should be able to read it.

    I hope I helped, and I'm sorry if my answers are not entirely correct.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    some schools would tell the pupils in order to get other pupils to speak up if they are feeling the same way, some don't becase they don't want their school to get a bad name. I don't think they tell them the pupil has commited suicide, more the fact that they have passed away. it will often get around to the pupils on what happened due to over heard parents talking and/or gossip.

    Your second question will be neglect, if the child has spoken about it, and nothing got done, then the parents have neglected the childs needs, but there are school counsellors at school if the child does want to seek advice. The police won't charge them for anything because the child would have taken his/her own life, not that the parents have nurdered them.

    your last question, if a name was left in a suicide note then the police would want to speak to the person in order to find out if anything was said to the person before they took their life. And news gets around fast, even more so about a childs/teens death.

  • 5 years ago

    Not such a lot egocentric as it's lacking the greater photograph such as you stated. I was once as soon as suicidal and I wasn't pondering "haha I'm gonna kill myself in order that my moms and dads and peers may also be unhappy" (so much suicidal folks do not believe that manner) It's simply that you simply get stuck up within the second that you are in and fail to notice that there's extra in the market in existence. Suicide is a everlasting technique to a transitority predicament. When you are hurting so dangerous for any intent you do not see any wish. But now I notice that the peers and possibilities I have now, shouldn't have existed had I long gone via with my historic plans. I could not suppose now not being right here. Even if you do not see the sunshine you simply gotta notice that existence is a helpful reward and even though you do not know in which you are going what does not kill you makes you more potent and your travel to a greater location in existence and studying to like your self is valued at it. It's nonetheless fallacious, having no self valued at isn't well

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  • 1 decade ago

    You have a lot of detailed questions. Very preoccupied you are. Do you know of anyone who is about to commit suicide? I've never heard of any parents having been charged for someone else's choices. But why would a parent not get help when someone is asking for it. If that would be the case, though, they should look for help somewhere else, like school, a friend, a teacher, a neighbor. There are a lot of suicide hotlines available to offer help. If your name would to appear on someone's suicide note, I'm sure they would contact you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It all differs based on the school district, the police, and the parents involved.

    Source(s): 1-800-273-8255
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