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If there is a fight at school and you're just defending yourself do you get in trouble too?

My best friend is about to get in a fight friday ! :( I don't want her to get in a fight but she says she wants to and I'm not sure what to say to her to make her change her mind ! I'm asking this because I just wanted to know if she was going to get in trouble or not or does it just depend on the school ? ..She said that she isn't gonna start nothing but she's just going to finish it so, would she be expelled or anything? Also is there any fighting tips ? (I'm not planning on getting in a fight anytime soon but just in case !) =] Oh yeah & what can I say to my friend to make her change her mind ! I really don't want her to do this !

No mean comments please ! =[

9 Answers

  • Maria
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Remind her that if she gets in a fight, she could get hurt. At the minimum, she could end up with a black eye or even a broken nose. Most girls would care enough about their looks to want to avoid that.

    But on the other side, what if the other girl is carrying a weapon? A knife maybe? She could get seriously hurt and at least scarred, perhaps even on her face. She could end up with something broken or she could do enough damage to the other girl that she gets hurt. Then there's the chance she ends up in jail if the other girl presses charges, not just expelled.

    Ask her if this fight is worth hanging her future on and ask her what her mom or dad would say if they knew? If worst comes to worst, you could tell her parents before the fact. You'd lose a friend probably, but you might save her future.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually whoever hits first gets in more trouble. Ideally both people get some sort of punishment. If it's her first or second fight and she's not a usual trouble maker than most likely she won't get anything worse than a suspension. Fighting tips would be fight off the school campus if you can help it. If you don't want her to fight try explaining that not fighting would make her the bigger better person. Also try not to involved in the fight as much as you can. And the best way to "finish it" is to let it go. Hope this helps. Oh and it's really nice of you to care about your friend like that. :)

    Check out the site. Maybe it can help.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Your only in school once, stand up to these bullies for everyone who has every been bullied by pricks like that... I got 7 weeks left of school untill i leave forever so i dont have any 'bully' problems, but ive had 1 or 2 people that ive had problems with in my school life and i wish i defending myself... --- Tell your parents that you need to protect yourself in the way that you believe is right and that even if you get absolutely beaten to a pulp, you need to know that you dont just give up to the face of bullies

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell her there's a lot more important things in life than fighting some dumb girl. Girls now a days do this crap to get attention ( no offense ) trust me I use to get into dumb fights too. Its pointless. But hey its her life I guess. Lol tell her to buy some rings then get some fingerless gloves, it was always fun to fight dirty. Hahaha plus the girl ur friend wants to fight is probadly gonna fight dirty too. Hope everything goes well though.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if she starts it she will get in serious trouble but,if it looks like the other girl started it they will proboly get in alot of trouble.But,your friend if she says she did not start it and lies she will end up just getting a detention.

    To convince your friend not I got a great idea tell her parents if you really like your friend you will do the right thing.

    Good Luck xxxx

  • 1 decade ago

    are you like in a fancy school? i dont think she will get kicked out, it really depends on the school in some schools you get iss, in school suspension, and oss, out school suspension, in other schools you have to pay a certain fine and all charges against you get dropped.

    in my school you get arrested and spend your *** a day in jail and you might get sued by the other family.

    people still do it gotta love texas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes , she will get in trouble just if she is defending herself , which I never understood why , I was always told if youu get hit you hit them back , but youu get in as just as much trouble as the one who started it .

  • tell her to take this fight somewere else and not do it at school if its at school theres going to be alot of consequences so its beter to take it somewere else i meen why fight it out at school? so ppl can watch? so u can risk suspension? it doesnt make sense to do it at school to me

  • jesus
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    of course if you get involved you become part of it.

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