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Lv 5
Jer.L asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Latest Poll, Obama numbers on the rise?

The latest NBC Wall Street Journal Poll shows Obama is on the rise with most Americans, in fact when it comes to personal feelings of Americans on the President, a whopping 72% of respondents had a favorable view of him. Larger numbers that Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and (gasp!) Ronald Reagan at this point in their Presidencies! And by golly, even larger than Sarah Palins favorability ratings.

His approval rating is still at 45% which is just about where Reagan was at this point in his first term. But that number has not dropped either.

Does this mean that a lot of people on Y/A are really out of touch?



Sorry, I just posted the story I didn't WRITE it, go blame the Wall St Journal for that.

Update 2:

NBC? Didn't anyone click the link? IT takes you to the Wall St Journal, Owned by Rupert Murdoch. NBC and the WSJ just PAY for the poll.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I actually think Obama is in relatively good shape, considering how bad the economy is, and his approval rating in the 40s.....

    A President does not need a 50% approval rating to get re-elected....Bush was only at 47-48% when he defeated Kerry in 2004....

    The way right-wingers are throwing out extremist rhetoric about Obama these past 2 years, with Palin, Gingrich, Beck, Rush, Haley Barbour, John Bolton...they'll be so far to the right wing extreme in 2012 that Obama will look extremely moderate.

    Plus, even though Obama's approval rating is low and in the 40s, The Republican in general in Congress are lower than his, which is why he would be ahead of most of them in a match-up. The public is mad at Obama's stimulus package not being more effective, but they see Republicans as obstructionists as well.

  • 5 years ago

    Historically when an event occurs as in Arizona and the President makes a speech the poll numbers go up, no matter what party they belong to. We saw this with both President Clinton and and President Bush. The important thing to remember here is that the polls record only a small period of time and are continuously changing. Whether the poll numbers change is dependent upon event in the future. Nothing is static. Polls are also dependent upon the question asked, how it is worded, the number of persons contacted and their background. There are 18 months to go before any polls become relevant.

  • Lowly
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If the approval rating gets below 16 percent, they should fire them all. These were the perentage that thought congress was doing a good job. I think the number for Obama must be greatly exagerated..why would the WSJ allow that to happen?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It means 45% polled live in the hood

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no it just proves what i have been saying all along that nbc is corrupted an trying to do damage control to obama's bleak presidency

  • 1 decade ago

    Since when would I trust anything from NBC?

  • 1 decade ago

    No because most people I know haven't been polled and neither have I. So this tells me that they are polling the same people over and over again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, just heard his numbers had sunk to 41%.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, it means YOU have knee-jerk reactions to polls...

  • Quan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They shouldn't be...

    Source(s): Liberal
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