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Lv 5
Jer.L asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why did they not find this out in 2008?

The McCain campaign, ran by a very savvy man, Steve Schmidt had every chance and all the money that they needed to vet Mr. Obama. Surely if he were not born in the US then they would have brought that up, since it would have removed him from the race.

So why didn't they do that? There would be NO WAY that a child could have entered the United States without a passport, and a Visa, and a WHO Shot Record. Yet somehow there is no record of him, his ALIEN father and his mother EVER entering the US when he was an infant or a small child.Immigration records are kept forever. It would have not been a herculean task for a presidential campaign to search these records. Not when you have people in every state and millions of dollars to spend. Why didn't they do that??

Also, do you people not realize that in the United States citizenship comes from the mother, and not BOTH parents?

And that according to US Law a "Natural Born CItizen" is a person who did not obtain citizenship by naturalization. That is why Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright and a handful of cabinet members could have never become President in the Presidential Succession Act where they were 4th in line for the Presidency.

* 32 minutes ago

* - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details

No conspiracy, I am just asking why the McCain camp did not find this all out IF IT WAS TRUE. Which I don't believe it is.


Max his mother was an American citizen, born in the USA.

Update 2:

You can also be an American citizen if you are born abroad as long as one of your parents is an American citizen. I have a friend who was born int the Atlantic Ocean on the liner France. His mother was an American, and his father was an officer on the French Line. They were returning to the USA, he came early. So he was born on French liner, in international waters, but he was an American because his mother was. He is considered a Natural Born Citizen by US Law.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, I don't think any of the leaders of the 'Birther' movement really believed for a second that Obama wasn't born in the US. Or that he's a Muslim, or that he belongs to a radical anti-American church, or any of that stuff.

    But when Obama began leading Hillary in the polls, when it look like he was the most likely Democratic nominee, the Republican campaign experts tried to find ways to make him look unamerican. They wanted people to see him as 'not like us'. They figured this was the easiest way to attack a black guy. Not Our Kind. They probably had demographic studies and focus groups and all that stuff to back up this decision.

    McCain was a candidate. They wanted him to appear 'above the fray'. They wanted him to look judicious and reasonable and thoughtful, not like some angry crackpot (though he sure looked like one afterwards, didn't he? Listen to him today talk about DADT and he really sounds like just a grumpy old man!) So it was planned from the start that McCain wouldn't say anything about Obama being a Muslim or a Communist or foreign-born. Those battles would be fought at a lower level, in the media.

    Obama was big news in mid-2008. As you could imagine, a black guy, a professor from Harvard, leading in a primary race. -Anything- announced about him was immediately on the front page. So the Republican strategy was to fill up the front page with silly accusations rather than actual Obama information.

    They've honed this strategy for years. Remember all the crimes they accused Clinton of during the 1992 campaign and then all through is presidency? Some Republicans even today believe he's a murderer, a rapist, that he headed a drug operation, that he sold US nuclear secrets to the Chinese. They did this simply by making the accusations over and over until the media picked them up, and making new accusations all the time to add to the growing list, and repeating all the accusations long after they were discredited. This is a time-honored Republican tradition. They treated Jimmy Carter the same way.

    In fact one of the reasons Sarah Palin was picked as McCain's running mate was to get Obama off the front page. Her announcement was even strategically timed, the morning after Obama's acceptance speech to a packed football stadium. And it worked, kind of. Palin became THE story. For a couple of weeks anyway, until she began opening her mouth and embarrassing herself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Citizenship comes based on if you were born in the USA or if either of your parents were US citizens. Henry Kissinger and Madeline Albright could not become president because they were immigrants.

  • 1 decade ago

    Idiots think President Obama's mother, an American citizen, knew her son would grow up one day and become President of the U.S. and because that is the only position in the world that requires a person to be a natural born citizen she hatched an elaborate scheme to make it look like he was born in Hawaii.

    Even if jus sanguinis citizenship does not apply for some reason all she would have had to do was simply apply for Barrack Obama's citizenship. As the child of a U.S. citizen it would have been granted.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the same reason why mccain had to provide his birth certificate to the supreme court an obama did not, you see mccain is a traitor, he is in on the whole thing. he an hillary took a dive to help obama get elected,

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  • 1 decade ago

    You need to ask the hillary clinton supporters who started the birther movement during the 2008 democratic party primaries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You say that there is "no way" a child could enter the U.S. without a passport?...well then I guess we don't need the "dream act" do we?

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