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18-20 are they adults or not?

My question is related to a "story".

My son is 17 and a senior in high school exactly one month before his 18th birthday recruiters from the Marines, Army and Navy started calling my home wanting my son to "fight" for our country. On Nov17th my son was in a car with 4 other kids from 19 (driver) to 17. They were pulled over for a light out and their car searched. A bag with alcohol was found in the trunk (no one drinking not that it matters for this question) They were all arrested for

'knowingly possessing alcohol underage).

Now the question. How can our government tell us that 18 to 20 is a responsible enough age to carry M16 riffles, drive tanks, operate subs and ships, fight and die for this country BUT they are not responsible enough to have alcohol in their possession? Does anyone else see a real flaw in this?

Points1> yes there was a drop in alcohol related deaths for this age group when it was raised to 21. But this would happen no matter what age was changed (30 to 40 would have shown a drop too)

Point 2>18-20 can marry, vote in our president and other elected officials, own property and are held liable as adults both civily and legally.

The way I see it there should be prohibitionn where no one drinks, 18 to 20 should not be held as an adult ( no voting, owning, marrying, military service) or 18 to 20 yr olds should have all the abilities of any other "adult".

Whats your opinion?. From a mom, adult, survivor of a drunk driver (was 24) and irritated citizen


The drinking age was raised from 18 to 21 in the early 80s depending on your state. Please only real intelligent responses

Update 2:

This is not about my son. This was an example of how the government dictates an age as an "adult" yet not all "adult rights" are given. 16 and 17 are kids. Has nothing to do with rights of adults. Not that it matters my son was unaware of the alcohol. Does not drink, smoke and is an A student. I also do not drink, smoke and have experience with many adults of all ages who are not mature.

Update 3:

Take a look where the United states stands on alcohol age compared to other countries

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually the drinking age and the age of majority was 21 in most states until the mid 60's when the same argument was used, but it made more sense because at the time there was a draft for 18 year olds and it was not voluntary to join the military. In the 80's the rate of alcohol related car accidents under the age of 21 was so high that in order to get any more federal highway funds the states had to increase the drinking age to 21. The rest of your argument is based on your opinion and I find it hard to believe that any parent especially one who had been the victim of a drunk driver would not have a problem with their child being in the car with people who had alcohol. This is not going to change if he joins the army, can't drink there until your 21 either. Breaking the law is breaking the law.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Not all 18 year olds are mature. Not all 18 year olds will fight and die for our nation. Most are like your son. Not mature enough to live and abide by the laws that society has chosen..... NOR were you and I. If alcohol was legal at 18, I most certainly would have abused it!

    So no rights should not granted at any one age. They should be granted as society dictates. We allow sixteen year olds to drive, but not smoke or drink, or vote, we allow 18 year olds to have a certain amount of control of their lives, and up until a short time ago they could not vote. Eighteen year olds can now vote, marry, and buy tobacco. We allow 21 year olds to take full control of their lives by drinking, and being able to obtain professional licenses,

    It is all about maturity and public and personal safety. As I said, at 18, I would have abused alcohol. As an adult, I neither smoke (never) or drink (rarely).

    Having 18 year olds and alcohol mix is not a good idea. The streets would be a much more dangerous place if we opened that door. You will note that the former 18 year old drinking states raised the drinking age, not the reverse, That because of the proven dangers and abuse versus the 21 drinking age states.


  • puffor
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is the group MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) that got pushed to have these laws be so tough.

    As long as they weren't drinking and it wasn't open, I really don't see a problem. Otherwise, I'd say long sentence and punishment is fine, as my sister was hit and almost killed by a drunk driver.

    I'm in another country, where the law is only 18 here since they have mandatory service in the military at 18. That is their thinking. It's unfortunate that it was so abused in the United States.

    Part of the problem is the fact that I think alcohol is treated like a forbidden fruit in America. When I was 13, my Mom told me to go in the fridge and I could have beer. She said, "Be my guest" when I joked with her about grabbing a beer. I really didn't even like it then. I found my flavor since then, but it was never a big deal. Probably because my mom didn't treat it like a big deal.

    Since the government does treat it like a big deal and parents treat it like its a big deal, it's going to be taken that way. Kids love to rebel. They love to go against the norm and get into trouble. So if alcohol is treated as if it's some kind of special brew that holds secrets, than it will obviously be sought after.

    I'd suggest you just get a good lawyer if you need to do so. If it wasn't opened than everyone can probably get off with a slap on the wrist. Pure irony that the judges and lawyers charging the boys ... were doing the same things at the same exact age when it was legal.

    Welcome to the United States.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i assume being 18- 20 is seen to be an grownup because of the fact of ways the concepts advancements at that age and additionally whilst youngsters end intense college and initiate off college, because of the fact maximum toddlers who end intense college are 18 or 17 and then 19 and 20 they initiate off college. So it quite relies upon of ways the concepts matures at a particular age. or only somebody replaced into quite bored and made 18 the magic selection.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your observation is correct, it is quite a contradiction. The problem today is that few are willing to question authority. Authority has told them that 18 year-olds aren't mature enough and authority must be right.

  • Russ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We need to establish an age of adulthood - which includes voting, draft age, drinking, smoking, driving a vehicle, quitting school, emancipation, marriage, sex, interrogation by police without counsel or parent, and all the other adult "things" life has for us. One age!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus, people have been asking this for 50 years or more, why are you bringing it up now and acting like you just thought of it?

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