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Vampire Weekend = The Eagles?

Fun comparisons... go! (You may have to depend on baseless (and unbased) generalizations, but just go with it.)

Vampire Weekend/Eagles: You know, because the people who like them don't seem to realize that everybody hates them (even if no one knows who everybody is). Fans might to think that by listening to them, they show how advanced and superior their taste is, without acknowledging the popular backlash against those bands.

Or, in another way, they're the easiest targets in the world for showing how cool you are for not liking classic rock or indie rock. Kiss works their too.

BQ: Vampire Weekend or The Eagles?


I like Vampire Weekend, guys. And I have nothing against The Eagles, really. Chill out. It's just a game, and it's just for fun. (I really loathe that argument when it's about something that matters, like racism, but uh, this is not something that matters.)

Update 2:

What argument do you mean, isawmarty? I'm talking about popular fandom of (and popular backlash against) both bands in the 21st century, so I don't really see how they were perceived (well, how The Eagles were perceived--no one really perceived Vampire Weekend) in the 1970s factors in.

More importantly, it's absurd to act like people used to like music that was objectively good back in the '70s, and now they like music to be cool. No music is objectively good, and the concept of coolness has never had so many irreconcilable interpretations as it does today.

Update 3:

Lil B's not a parody, KC, and he's not a Yahoo Answers meme. A lot of people love this guy.

Cool comparison.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Un#based generalizations? Not my thing.

    I actually think KISS is a far better example of the kind of band you wrote about there. VW get a *moderate* amount of crap, while Eagles hate i see only once every now and then on here.

    Both do give me a headache though

    BQ: Vampire Weekend, i guess.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wait a minute here... Just because you like Vampire Weekend or The Eagles doesn't mean that you automatically belong to a certain music "class" so to speak... Vampire Weekend is a unique band that refuses to conform to one genre which makes them brilliant and The Eagles, comment. I listen to a pretty vast library of music and it's not all indie or whatever you choose to group Vampire Weekend in.... The other thing with Vampire Weekend is that no matter how hard people "try" to dislike them, it isn't possible. You may not have the VW bug (pun points!), but people can't help but find them catchy at the very least.

    BQ: Who do you think I'm going to choose?

  • 1 decade ago

    Jobriath/Lil B: Both pop... entities of their era with delusions of grandeur, although only in the 21st Century would this kind of thing be accepted and made popular... yeah I know Lil B is supposed to be a parody but hey, maybe Jobriath was too. #based Glam God 4 lyfe

    BQ: The Eagles, they had some decent stuff. By and large I find them to be mediocre, but they are superior to *nearly* anything that has ever been called "indie rock".

  • 1 decade ago

    Your argument about the Eagles doesn't work with me because I was alive when the Eagles were first popular. People (on here) don't like them now because the members are old enough to be their grandfathers, NOT because of their music. The Eagles weren't "cool" in the 70s, they were just good. Of course, back then nobody tried to prove how "cool" they were by what they listened to...they just enjoyed the music for what it was instead of proof of being "cool" or "hip."

    BA: The Eagles.

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  • 1 decade ago

    vampire weekend is better than the eagles and i totally agree about kiss. but i actually think vampire weekend make pretty good music. its nothing to put on a greatest albums of all time list, but catchy enough for a listen once and a while.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The checklist agencies choose for what sells at that 2nd even no count if it relatively is crap and does not final. in the event that they'd sell x volume of archives, then they'll sign them. If the 2nd album bottoms out, oh properly they'll circulate directly to next style of the 2nd.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are both capable of writing good songs but most of the time end up writing stuff that no one wants to listen to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    David, are you by any chance a black, bald cab driver? Cause that would be awesome.

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