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Lv 7

Can anyone offer a *valid* Pro-Life argument?

For the past fifteen years, I've been planning to author my final dissertation on the subject of women's reproductive rights. Procrastinator that I am, I continually put it off time and again, but a decade and a half has given me the opportunity to hear, and fairly counter, virtually every argument ever presented supporting the Pro-Life side. About two months ago, inspired by a thread in this very forum, I finally got around to writing it.

So, now I ask for your help. Is there *anyone* who can provide a logical, reasonable argument for why a woman should be denied the right to abort during the first two trimesters of gestation? Bear in mind, I've heard all of the classics before. Not one of them has a single iota of validity to them, and I have detailed in depth the reasons why, so if you're just going to post that "a fetus has soul", or "a fetus is innocent", really, just don't bother. If you are serious about discussing the subject, and providing a compelling answer to my question, it's going to require a fair bit of reading, as the article is about fifteen pages long, and supports a woman's right to abort to a degree as complete as I've been able to accomplish.

If anyone can read this article, in its entirety, and, by the end, *still* conclude that a woman should be denied the right to abort during the first two trimesters of gestation, I would honestly, genuinely be interested in hearing your justification for your position. Thank you for your time, and I appreciate any serious participation.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I enjoyed reading your paper. You may be interested in my link below.

    My belief is that there are natural laws that mitigate and control abortion and forced birth.

  • Very interesting exposition!

    The only thing I can think of that you haven't addressed is that an abortion at 26 weeks (the cutoff point you posit) would almost certainly cause the fetus pain. Even such an undeveloped brain would likely be able to "experience" pain caused by common abortion procedures. Still, that's not an argument against abortion, only against abortions that could cause a fetus pain.

  • Anna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I only skimmed your dissertation because I'm a bit pressed for time, but I'm definitely planning on reading it more thoroughly later. Mainly because this topic fascinates me (any controversial topic fascinates me, really) and because I love your writing style.

    It seems like you've covered everything. It really does. If I notice something when I read it later, I'll message you or edit this.

    By the way, I wanted to read what you had to say on circumcision (well, I know your position on the topic, I just wanted to laugh at how effortless it is to refute the pro-circ "arguments") but the page didn't seem to be working.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't before reading your dissertation.I guess that would make me the choir.With that said...the wait was worth the while.

    Your dissertation is well written,concise and convincing.You present the pro life arguments objectively and then demolish them.

    My only minor objection is the repeated use of the term lifer.Personally I've called them far worse but it seems too derogatory for your dissertation.It seems to detract from your otherwise well presented position.

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  • 4 years ago

    a million. this is basically like announcing its as much as a parasite or an epidemic to elect whether this is going to be killed or no longer because of the fact for a collectively as, that's what slightly one is, a parasite 2. having too many young ones interior the device isn't the concern and in my concepts shouldn't additionally be reported interior the query of abortion because of the fact somebody (or various someones) will would desire to maintain on the human race and start limiting like china has is a greater efficient answer 3.with modern drugs and medicines which will (with a bit of luck) nevertheless be available infants with congenital defects will with a bit of luck have a greater robust survival cost, purely in extreme situations such because of the fact the toddler no longer living for a sort of hours and killing the mummy interior the approach would desire to an abortion be allowed 4. That bargains with the concern of whilst a soul is formed, so possibly the quicker an abortion is executed the greater efficient for the persons who war with the morality area on having an abortion 5. i think of with rape it relies upon on the females decision in spite of the undeniable fact that I agree this is going to no longer fall on the unborn newborn to be punished regardless of the undeniable fact that i do no longer think of the girl who replaced into raped would desire to be compelled to have slightly one that she have been given pregnant with as a effect of being raped

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